The clinking of cutlery and mumbled conversation greet us as we walk into the theatre. Blue glowing lines show the edges of the fishtank. It’s a sparse place but I guess the fish aren’t there to live. Blue Cod (Hweiling Ow) is preparing to be chosen. She is joined unexpectedly by Crayfish (Bemjamin Teh) who is a bit more worldly than she is.
This is an absurdist play where nothing much happens. Scenes bubble up and resolve into something else as religion, climate change, environmental activism, and the ethics of food are examined. Occasionally the external world intrudes – these are the most interesting parts of the show for me. I particularly like the section when Blue Cod realises just what being chosen will mean. Both actors use spectacular costumes (by Sarah Burren) to advantage. Sparkles and multiple appendages enhance their physical movement and provide some fun for the audience.

  • Bubblelands by Renee Liang directed by Amanda Grace Leo on at BATS Theatre to 17 October 2015