1. What should the council’s role be in creating affordable housing?
WCC is the country’s second largest landlord. We’ve got decades of experience in providing affordable housing.
I firmly believe there’s a role for WCC to…

2. What one project for Wellington have you been most active on so far?

Over the past 6 years I have worked on projects to deliver $40m of community projects in my ward, including a new library, two learn-to-swim…
3. What project do you plan to champion most if you win this position?
Building more homes in Wellington and addressing homelessness.
4. What’s your opinion on the proposed new bus routes?
My general approach is ‘if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it’. The current system serves Wellington very well. If the changes can provide more reliability…
5. What’s your opinion on cycleways?
I think cycleways and good cycling infrastructure is essential in every modern city . I’ve committed to our urban cycling framework and its implementation.
I want…
6. What’s your opinion on the airport extension?
As we assess the infrastructure needs of the city of the next 50 years, I think we need to consider the airport extension. I have…
7. Who is the biggest donator to your campaign?
I’ve fundraised and had some donations, but I have underwritten the campaign myself because I think that’s important.
8. Which NZ politician do you most admire?
Helen Clark

9. What do you think needs to happen to the Town Hall?

It needs to be strengthened as soon as possible. We are close to confirming an agreement with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and Victoria University’s…

10. How long have you lived in the area you are standing for?
13 years.
11. What’s one thing from the 2013-2016 Council term you think was really great and why?
I’ve got two things:
– Highlighting social issues in Wellington such as homelessness, upgrading our social housing units, the living wage and a smoke free Wellington and…
12. What do you think of the Auckland Unitary Plan and what can Wellington learn from it?
I think it’s a sensible approach to address the current and future growth issues Auckland faces. Wellington is different as we don’t have the same…
13. What’s the biggest risk Wellington faces in the next ten years?
An earthquake and being ready to respond to its impact..
14. How will you work with the rest of the council to achieve the things you’re setting out to do?
I’ll work with Councillors as I have throughout my time on council. I’ll be professional, courteous, hard-working and will lead by example.
I’m a strong…
15. Who do you nominate for Wellingtonista Wellingtonian of the Year (assuming we run the TAWAs again)?
Stephanie McIntyre, Director at Downtown Community Ministry for her tireless work on supporting Wellington’s most vulnerable people.