Zombie Prom III: Dress To Distress
The graveyard’s alive and dancing…..

Spacething presents the third annual Zombie Prom at Happy (cnr Tory and Vivian Sts.) On Saturday October 10th open the crypt door and shake your dead moves to fleshed-out tunes.
Zombie Prom III features live dead music by Voodoo Savage and His Savages, Knife Fight, The Death-Rays, Newtown, The Ghastlies, Market Value and DJ Bride of Pinbot, as well as the crowning of the best-dressed Zombie King and Queen of the Prom with prizes galore gore!
Happy. Friday 10/10/08, 8:00pm.
Tickets $10
Read more after the jump…
Monstrous music all night with (un)live acts:
- Summoned from months in the torrid depths Voodoo Savage and His Savages are hungry… are you there?
- Newtown tell a tale of wild zombie love born in the suburban streets…
- DJ Bride of Pinbot was freshly exhumed from Auckland’s Grafton Cemetery clutching a crate of killer tunes and crypt shaking moves…
- The Ghastlies: the haunting music of uccelli assassini…
- There’s one rule for this Knife Fight — “an eye for a tasty eye”!
- Market Value: the economy of undead makes for cheaper housing! compliant workers! and zero welfare costs!
- Get caught in the beam of The Death-Rays and lose your mind and your brains Wangazombie style.
This year’s Zombie Prom is looking set to be a riotous resurrection with Happy transformed into a cryptacular funhouse! Doors open Saturday 8pm… and don’t forget your corsage!
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