Dank Presents is a series of experimental comedy shows created by Wellington comedians and producers. Hosted by Fringe Bar this Fringe, every show is different. I saw The National Average, based on an award winning routine in BATS Theatre’s Late Night Knife Fight. Jonny Potts and Matt Powell are brothers Cosmo and Carl, left a whisky/whiskey bar and a pianist by their late parents. There were a couple of ask-fors but otherwise it was unscripted. The audience were invited to contribute an opinion to the Hat Full of Opinions and this was regularly and hilariously employed throughout the show. Potts and Powell are both experienced performers with complementary performance styles. They used one of my favourite improvisation techniques – an idea is used then keeps resurfacing in different forms.  Everything seemed to be logical and it wasn’t until afterwards that I remembered it was all made up as they mixed everything together (mostly) seamlessly. Musician Amand was stuck at the back of the stage. He had a good presence with appropriate music and the occasional level stare at the audience. An excellent fun evening out.

There are two more Dank Comedy shows this Fringe.

Tonight! A Comedy Show With Good Comedians In It: a one-of-a-kind show featuring some of Wellington’s hottest comedic talent – and it’s back with a bangin’ brand new line up, including the international sensation – Sameena Zehra!

Tomorrow! Dank 18! Winner of the Wellington Comedy Awards Best Show in 2016. The legacy continues, showcasing up and coming New Zealand Comedy Talent, the show focuses on variety, creativity and originality, being host to some of New Zealand greatest young (and old) comedic minds.


Start your weekend right my friends, give them a go.