I think it is safe to say a few of us were snoozing at 10:10 on 10/10/10 (I think it is also safe to say a few of us were snoozing as the deadline to register for local body elections passed…)
However more than a few people have been spending the day taking some practical action against climate change the old fashioned way with the 350 Global Climate Working Bee. More than 30 working bees were registered by Wellingtonians with plenty of people putting their shovel where their mouth is and getting out in the garden, taking the wae wae express, fixing up old bikes, going to film fundraisers (probably heading out the door now) and insulating their homes.
It feels bloody great to do something rather than just signing an online petition dontcha think?
On a totally different kick at 8.00pm tonight for those that do like it live and virtual UpStage is back again beaming live cyberformance all night long (with a short intermission) until 4.30pm Monday 11 October NZ time. If you are wondering WTF ‘cyberformance’ is check out the teaser below.