Furverts of the world unite!

Fur Patrol are a band with an agenda.

A hidden agenda.

Actually it’s not so hidden. They want to teach the world to sing, in furfect harmony…


I’m all punned out. So I’ll cut to the chase…

Fur Patrol are back! And they’re in pog form. And they also have a new album coming out.

Local Kid, due out in September, is their third full length album, and their first since Steve Wells left the band.

To celebrate their new single ‘Hidden Agenda’, our favourite boys and girl are touring NZ, most importantly playing Bar Bodega in Wellington on 22 August.

Be there or hate kittens.

If you’re not lucky enough to be in Wellington but wanna catch a gig, check out the other dates here.

And if you simply cannot wait that long, here is their last single, ‘Great Leap Forward’ after the jump.