This weekend at Te Papa is going to be a grand one. Not only is it your last chance to see the very popular Game Masters, but kicking off at 10am and running non stop till 6pm on Saturday is Makertorium!


Makertorium is a celebration of New Zealand’s  crafters, creators, tinkerers and inventors, of all ages and their fans. The action is spread across eight zones and includes over 50 exhibitors.  The three main spots to check out all the action are the Wellington Foyer at the top of the stairs, Icon next door  and the Amphitheater outside the downstairs cafe (home to the makercrate and rocket-making).

Instead of a boring printed programme and to save our precious forest and trees, Makertorium is  using ShowGizmo as their smartphone app. It’s free to download from the App Store, for Android  – and put Makertorium in the palm of your hand – or use the mobile web version

Unlike a fair Maketorium is about meeting all these marvelous makers, asking them them the important questions in life (like  ‘how on earth did you dream that up’, ‘can i do that’ and ‘how does that work’ ). Watching shiny things, things that go bang and checking out cuddly and not so cuddly creatures in the tweet me interactive forest or the 3D petting zoo.

Tweet Me Interaction forest installation from tanya marriott on Vimeo.

Workshops are running all day long and anyone can drop in and learn about LEDS, electronics, design and craft. You can make a sock alien, a rocket or have a go making a World War One style periscope in The Wellington Makerspace Anzac Periscope Challenge

Right now you can follow behind the scenes in Storify in the run up to Makertorium

behind the scenes

On the day you can watch Makertorium TV being made live, and streamed worldwide from the giant Makerbooth on the day.