weblog awards 2005 Congratulations to The Wellingtonista’s Llew (of SunnyO), who’s picked up third place in this year’s NZ and Australian section of the Weblog Awards.

Tim Blair, the Australian reigning champ, was always going to be tough to top, so it was really a battle between the three chasing kiwi blogs for second place, with Silent Running just keeping a gap between himself and Llew as the finish line drew near.

A strong surge from the Sir Humphrey’s crew wasn’t enough for them to avoid the ignominy of a non-podium finish, as Llew’s large and admiring cohort of readers continued to cast their votes for his own little lifestyle block of cyberspace.

So, congrats to Llew, and also to Silent Running and the Sir Humphrey’s team for making it a good kiwi showing this year.

And now, for a competition in which a kiwi blog will have to win, we have the NetGuide Awards