Holy crap! The last game of the season is tonight, and things are looking tight tight tight!

Last week the Purple Cobras took the Bowlingtonista 471 to 349, picking up an extra point for their highest score, while Tom from the Bowlingtonista got the league point for the best flair, bowling without spilling a drop of his martini held in the other hand. The Furry Ferals took Xero 372 to 314, which means they’re tied for first place with the Cobras, although the Cobras have a by-week this week, which means in theory that unless the Ferals don’t show up they can’t win the league, but I’m going to throw things WIDE OPEN and announce that tonight there’ll be league points for fastest bowl, slowest bowl AND best flair, and I know the Cobras have booked their own league, so we’ll see how things go. Meanwhile Bowlingtonista will be playing Xero for last place, and the Mighty Boost will be trying to move up to first or second instead of third. All bets are off, except on us having a good time. 

Bowlingtonista: 7 

Furry Ferals: 22

Mighty Boost: 16

Purple Cobras: 22

Xero: 6