Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

As a website, we know that we are not alone. There are many other fantastic people in Wellington doing fantastic things online, and they make our internet world a much better place with the things that they do.

webstockWebstock: It’s now a must-attend event for anyone working on or with the web in New Zealand (and beyond). The Webstock crew are passionate about find the very best speakers from NZ and around the world and bringing them to Wellington each year to share everything they know. The event is so well managed that past speakers have been known to attempt to bribe organisers in hopes of returning to this marvelous event. For a week in February, the city is flooded with extremely talented good-looking weblebrities, and it reminds us why we love what we do. Plus Webstock also organise a rather fun quiz night which we are extremely fond of!

Nathalie Hofsteede for Givealittle exists to make good things happen. Natalie’s passion for doing good has created a website that makes it easy to do likewise. You can donate to existing causes or create your own project. To see Natalie speak about Givealittle is truly inspiring, and that is why we salute her and the work she does.

Robbie Ellis: Manners Mall Emo Song (AKA Buslane Through My Heart) After debuting his comedy ode to Manners Mall at Fringe Bar, performer Robbie Ellis uploaded a video of the emo-style song on YouTube and it went viral. The song appealed to pro and anti Manners Mall supporters alike, and was eagerly blogged and retweeted. After all, sometimes we all want to cut ourselves like the bus lane will cut three minutes out of our travel time…?

Giovanni Tiso for Bat, Bean, Beam – A Weblog on Memory and Technology: Giovanni is making his mark as an active member of the Wellington digerati. On his blog Bat, Bean, Beam – A Weblog on Memory and Technology, you will find him expressing himself blessay style every damn Monday (respect to that, sir). He has attracted the attentions of Christchurch poetess Harvest Bird, who composes a poem in response to every one of Giovanni’s posts. Some favourite posts of ours include the heartwarming Making Pizza With Lucia and his rundown of his finds at the Downtown City Mission Book Fair. His online space is a product of place (Italy and Wellington) and a reveals him as a person with an erudite, independent mind – not to mention an attention span not usually associated with the web.

side stripMico Santos for The Sidestrip: Mico is the consistent chronicler-by-video of the great things around this town. Mico turns up at events, takes lovely videos, carefully edits the footage, and uploads a finished short that always manages capture the atmosphere of the many events that make Wellington great.