Strike: Elemental

Strike are completing their Downstage Residency with a revisit of Elemental. It’s a “percussive based theatrical stage show” which is funny, breathtaking, and intricate. Murray Hickman, Tim Whitta, Leni Sulusi, and Takumi Motokawa, are joined by newbie Tom Broome. Their team work is so good that it’s difficult to tell that he’s new. The pieces they play include classic instruments as well as the odd Strike-unique instrument. Brake drums, bits of car, straws, and bamboo sticks make an appearance along with more familar percussion insturments – drums, cymbals, and the xylophone. (BTW, the triangle has never looked so sexy.)
There are earplugs but leave them in their little paper bag if you can. I experimented for the first few pieces and discovered that they deaden the edges of the sound. You’ll want to hear the resonance in the notes, otherwise it becomes a general wave of noise without nuance or clarity.
Also – the Downstage crew were correct when they said the Strike guys are hot. (Apparently it’s okay to notice – according to the conversation I eavesdropped on in the ladies. Thanks for the pic Downstage!)
- Strike: Elemental on at Downstage to 20 August 2011.