Te Radar has a passion for history. This show has developed over a number of years from an original commission by the Christchurch Arts Festival, in conjunction with Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu, in 2005. There he explored South Island history. Here, he explores some of New Zealand’s history. Explorers, highwaymen, inventors, and entertainers are all brought under the spotlight. It’s a strange thing to be in a theatre watching a powerpoint presentation and enjoying it.

It’s not only the scripted stuff that’s funny. He does a great line in self-deprecation, inviting us to laugh at him laughing at us laughing at him. Watch him closely – a flick of his eyes, a twitch of his mouth adds a lot to his relationship with the audience. I got the sense that he’s done a lot of research and that there’s probably 2 or 3 more shows (at least) worth of material. It’s really nice to relax into a show knowing that you will be entertained by someone who’s enjoying themselves.

This is Downstage’s last main show before they go grey for a while. It’s a return season and it’s still a cracker.