Incoming: Badd Energy
Sike-electro weirdos and recent “that’s interesting” Flying Nun Mark II signees Badd Energy are back with a new single/video and tour.

Sez the label:
Badd Energy are a psychedelic mix of guitars, drum machines and genres. Sam Moore, Coco Solid, Trixie Darko and J.Suave make up this trippy quartet that kick out motley jams blending stoner-swamp riffs with laid back 808 raps. Their single ‘Third Eye’ hit #1 on Bfm and Radio 1 in 2011.
Wellington loves Coco Solid — just lately she’s been rocking the Active charts with her own independent single ‘Architecture’ — and it turns out the feeling is mutual cos apparently she and two other members of the Badd Energy are moving here this year.
The new one from Badd Energy is ‘Ba-Zing’ and it’s directed by Jason Howden, who “hurtles the foursome through a video game vortex and some mean digital streets.”
On tour Badd Energy play Wellington three whole times so what’s your excuse for missing them?
- Bodega on Thursday 9th February w Fantails & Stephen Jackson $5
- SFBH on Friday 24th February w Orchestra of Spheres, Thought Creature & DJ TV Disko $10
- SFBH on Thursday 1st March – VBC show w Golden Awesome and Terror of the Deep $10
I _love_ Badd Energy! Excited about seeing them live soon.
I love them too! And hoorah x 3 at so many options of when to see them.