Long Cloud Youth Theatre ensemble, under the direction of Brett Adam, present an entertaining show about power and gender. The script was created from their honest discussions about their responses to current world events and interviews with family, friends, and people on the street. Various scenarios discussing sexism, slut shaming, gender stereotypes, peer pressure and sexuality are explored. The ensemble use drag in order to play with classic notions about gender. The show mostly consists of lip-synching to songs or the interview audio tracks. There is some audience participation but not much – the actors are generally pretty good at picking up on who will answer some questions. The songs are from a variety of eras. They’re performed as an ensemble with more than one person taking on the ‘singing’ role. This allows for narratives to juxtapose in and around the lyrics. This also happens with the interviews giving us multiple layers of meaning. (Sit on the side furthest from the door to get the best view of the interview couch.) The Scruffy Bunny venue has a small main stage and the full cast just manage to fit on it while dancing. Unfortunately they disappear into the dark when they dance onto the side catwalks but there’s otherwise plenty of opportunity to see them up close.
A fun and thought provoking night out.
- TRASH GLAM DRAG SLAM by Long Cloud Youth Theatre on at Scruffy Bunny Improv Theatre to 30 June 2018 (Special $5 tickets for anyone in full drag)
Content note: this show contains strong language, simulated violence and sexual innuendo. Not suitable for children.