As someone who’s never read or seen a performance of Hamlet, I might seem like an unlikely reviewer for TheJoMarsh’s adaptation at Bats Theatre. However, if I, with my inexperience, can easily follow and enjoy ‘Hamlet – One Hour. Three Actors. Denmark Will Never Be the Same,’ then anyone can.

In this high-tech, dystopian take on Hamlet, the talented Hamish Boyle and Helen Vivienne Fletcher play 11 characters between them, while Shaun Swain takes on the role of Hamlet. Managing 5 to 6 characters each is no small feat, but Helen and Hamish each bring their roles to life brilliantly. The use of coloured sashes helps to distinguish the various characters and their alliances.

Although it’s been a while since I last saw a Shakespearean play, the actors quickly drew me into the rhythm of the language. They skillfully blended the dialect into a modern cadence and perfect comic timing, making it easy to follow the story.

I admit, I did not do my homework, and skipped the pre-show guide.  So I only have myself to blame when I initially struggled to differentiate between characters, like Laertes and Ophelia. However, the script and actors’ clear differentiation of style between characters soon cleared things up.

The set design was a masterful demonstration of how imagination and clever application of simple ideas can recreate a space and capture audiences’ imagination. The projector mapping and moving set pieces created a whimsical, futuristic backdrop that added to the overall experience.

Thanks to Jo Marsh’s skilful condensing of a four-hour play into just one hour and the lively energy of the actors, “Hamlet – One Hour” offers an entertaining evening for everyone, regardless of their familiarity with Shakespeare or Hamlet.