“I’m having a nervous breakdown on stage, if it was anywhere else you would think I was crazy. But I’ve somehow managed to trick you into thinking it’s cool. Unless you think we suck, I guess, that’s okay too,” says lead singer of Mall Goth on stage at San Fran, where the band is becoming a staple act.

These words aptly describe the band’s approach to their particular brand of goth inspired, alternative, and at times explosively heavy rock. Disillusioned, and raw emotion filled, screaming vocals are accompanied by chunky heavy hitting percussion, dark, sinister riffs and basslines, and at times lightning fast soloing by their lead guitarist, who when I saw them perform, was adorned with one black glove on his shredding hand after an injury, somehow enhancing the evil tones delivered by the band.

Even with only one week to rehearse with the addition of a new bass player, the band managed to put together an impressive setlist and at no point faltered, showcasing their dynamic range between loud and quiet, keeping the crowd on their toes as they moved from twinkly melodies to evil, hard hitting sludge, with one song utilising just one note as a breakdown, but somehow through this bare bones approach they actually gained impact.

Listen to more Mall Goth on Soundcloud