Candidates: Nigel Wilson for Capital and Coast DHB and Regional Council Kapiti seat
We’ve provided a set of questions for the mayoral and councillor candidates to answer. First 25 words to an answer get posted. Check our 2013 Election coverage for all responses as they come in.
When we contacted candidates with our questions, we asked them to email a specific email address that all the ‘ista could access so that answers could be posted faster. This candidate didn’t use that email address. Hence the late posting.
After the jump, Nigel Wilson who is running for the DHB and Regional Council in Kapiti
1. What should be the city council’s role in helping homeless people and beggars?
Affordable homes would be a start. For most it’s not a lifestyle choice. Poverty, illness and addictions are the biggest driver of homelessness. Care More.
2. What would you do to make Wellington more cycle and pedestrian friendly?
Get cars out of the inner city as is the case in most intelligently designed cities. Affordable and efficient public transport is the answer.
3. How do you think traffic flow to the hospital and airport should be improved?
Light rail and improved public transport. Hospital is in the wrong place.
4. What are your views on the suggestion Wellington needs to be “more than just Weta and Government” – what do you think are Wellington’s strengths?
Major strength – Wellington is the home of the country’s most creative people. IT is the growth industry which Wellington region should capitalise on.
5. What will YOU do to get more investment, businesses, and business confidence in Wellington?
Developing a comprehensive spatial plan for the region is essential. We need sustainable businesses such as the education and IT sectors.
6. What does Wellington need more of, and what does Wellington need less of?
More young people, more energy, more visionary leaders. Less of the same old same old. We are the arts capital of the country – encourage more.
7. What would your city council provide for children and young people?
Jobs and hope for the future. Plenty of green space. Education that doesn’t bankrupt them. Give young people encouragement and opportunities to express themselves.
8. What steps would you take to encourage civic engagement?
There is no Civics education in New Zealand – this is appalling. Use the available technology (Enspiral is an example) to allow genuine community forums.
9. Tell us about your personal earthquake plan / What’s unusual about your earthquake kit?
Wave hands in the air and scream like a panicing Banshee; or, stop, drop, hold (recommended). Whittaker’s chocolate bars, other stuff too but mainly chocolate.
10. Why should we vote for you?
You should vote for whomever you think is genuine. Have a good look at how candidates have voted on important issues. Look past the slogans.
11. Where can we find out more about what you stand for?
GWRC Council minutes over the last six years. Google me or email: Website: which has ALL of the candidates in the Kapiti elections.
We’ve provided a set of questions for the mayoral and councillor candidates to answer. First 25 words to an answer get posted. Check our 2013 Election coverage for all responses as they come in.
When we contacted candidates with our questions, we asked them to email a specific email address that all the ‘ista could access so that answers could be posted faster. This candidate didn’t use that email address. Hence the late posting.
After the jump, Jackie Elliot who is running for mayor in Kapiti