We’ve provided a set of questions for the mayoral and councillor candidates to answer. First 25 words to an answer get posted. Check our 2013 Election coverage for all responses as they come in.
When we contacted candidates with our questions, we asked them to email a specific email address that all the ‘ista could access so that answers could be posted faster. This candidate didn’t use that email address. Hence the late posting.
After the jump, Rob Goulden who is running for mayor and Eastern Ward.
1. What should be the city council’s role in helping homeless people and beggars?
I would like to see wa Wet Hostel in the city to take car of these people. I see many of them working in the health sector and something has to be done about the issue.
2. What would you do to make Wellington more cycle and pedestrian friendly?
Create more safer cycling routes. I cycle and walk for both recreation and work. See more investment in walking tracks
3. How do you think traffic flow to the hospital and airport should be improved?
One main decent route through the centre of the city to support both cars and public transport. I would be happy with an overhead transport …
4. What are your views on the suggestion Wellington needs to be “more than just Weta and Government” – what do you think are Wellington’s strengths?
Its location in the centre of the country, its compactness, public transpoirt, its beauty its quirkyness, its people, its diversity
5. What will YOU do to get more investment, businesses, and business confidence in Wellington?
Give incentives, keep rates down, work on partnerships. build good infrastructure to support business and jobs, be smart , innovative and creative.
6. What does Wellington need more of, and what does Wellington need less of?
More action, more planning more winners, more positively more belief. Less debt, less negativity, less bad weather.
7. What would your city council provide for children and young people?
Learning opportunities, growth opportuntites, leisure opportuntiesthings for them to do, involvement in the democratic process.
8. What steps would you take to encourage civic engagement?
Reinstitute Ward meetings every quarter, education in schools, enhance opportunities for accessability to Council
Greater opportunties to engage at the Council table.
9. Tell us about your personal earthquake plan / What’s unusual about your earthquake kit?
My kit is fully stocked. We have a plan in the house that everyone is aware of. I would like to see a first kit in every car in Wellington. That creates capacity and capability in the community..
10. Why should we vote for you?
I believe I have the experience, qualifications, judgement and skills to make an excellent job of the Mayorolty. I have the drive and passion to…
11. Where can we find out more about what you stand for?