Getting slayed at the Customs Brew Bar

There’d been a bit of tooting over on Twitter about Customs Brew Bar, a new cafe from Coffee Supreme, so when it opened the Wellingtonista paid a visit.

It’s not your run-of-the-mill cafe – as well as a lush woodern interior, Customs also sells a range of single-original coffee beans and uses less than ordinary methods of brewing the beans.

So I had a chat to Coffee Supreme’s Justin, who kindly explained the concept behind Customs Brew Bar.

Ouch My Face & East Brunswick All Girls Choir

Hello! No time no blog. Hope you all had a good break. Just a quick note for those of us who are not attending Campus A Low Hum – there are a handful of great side shows happening but these two Melbourne bands are definately my pick of the bunch after catching them at Camp last year. Both are doing shows all over the country, and a few all ages shows as well.

East Brunswick All Girls Choir (Melbourne)

Wed 27th Jan, Dux De Lux, Christchurch
Fri 29th Jan, Wunder Bar, Littleton
Sat 30th Jan, Chicks Hotel, Dunedin w/ Ouch My Face
Wed 3rd Feb, Mighty Mighty, Wellington w/ Batrider
Fri 5th Feb, St Barnabas Scout Hall, Auckland, w/ Batrider, Ouch My Face and Nevernudes(ALL AGES)

Ouch My Face (Melbourne)

Thur 21st Jan, Mighty Mighty, Wellington w/ Thought Creature
Thur 28th Jan, Goodbye Blue Monday, Christchurch w/ Nevernudes and more
Fri 29th Jan, Franz Tormers Art Space, Christchurch w/ Nevernudes and The Body Lyre (ALL AGES)
Sat 30th Jan, Chicks Hotel, Dunedin w/ East Brunswick All Girls Choir and Nevernudes
Thur 4th Feb, Whammy Bar, Auckland w/ DHDFD’s and more Fri 5th Feb, St Barnabys Scout Hall, Auckland w/ Batrider, East Brunswick All Girls Choir and Nevernudes – ALL AGES
Sat 6th Feb, Happy, Wellington

Quality time with the family at Osteria Del Toro

Annoyingly, Osteria Del Toro doesn’t appear to have a website. However, what they do have is an awesome alternative to yum cha on Sundays (and I think it’s only Sunday afternoons) called La Famigia.

For $29, you can experience their menu highlights "family-style". What this means is that you can help yourself to the lush antipasto table, piled high with salads, olives, salami and amazing foccacia, and then the very nice staff will start bringing food to your table, and they won’t stop until you ask them to. You get pizzas from their woodfired oven, paella, pasta and roast chicken with crispy skin. It really is a carb-lover’s paradise.

One kind of pasta has meatballs, and the other is pesto, and we got both vegetarian and meaty pizza. The paella had both chorizo and seafood in it, so it might not be the most cost-effective & welcoming option for vegetarians (and vegans – forget about it!). We were all people who love us some gluten, so we didn’t ask if it was possible to get their gluten-free pizza bases instead, so I can’t advise you about that. I can, however, assure you that their white wine sangria made with apricot brandy and ginger beer is a perfect accompaniment (their PDF menu says it features a "Make your own Bloody Mary bar" but I didn’t see that!), and that you probably DON’T need to order churros afterwards, but perhaps you will anyway!

Bloggers predict: 2010

We’ve written about UP’s Bloggers Predict event before, but this time, I’m one of the people doing the predicting on January 28 from 5.30pm to 8pm. I’m supposed to be making predictions in the following areas:  

  • Gadgets & Games
  • The Internet, Web 3.0…
  • Business & Technology
  • Wellington/NZ/the Universe (open slather)

I’m allowed (and encouraged) to solicit suggestions, so have at it in the comments and I’d encourage you to focus on Wellington-ish suggestions in particular, since I’m representing the Wellingtonista, after all. Oh, and make sure you register to come along to the event, there’s FREE BOOZE and food, and you’ll be done by 8 so you can go along to any other events that might be happening that night afterwards. 


Unicon XV – Last chance to check it out

The Unicon XV has been in town since the 28th of December, with one wheelers decorating the waterfront and what feels like the whole damn inner-city, saving us from that ghost town feel over the holiday period.  The Wellington flickr pool and the papers have been packed with photos of the action.  There is something pretty photogenic about the sheer range of unicycle enthusiasts of all nationalities that have decended on our fair (but windy) city.

Today is your last chance to check out the action, the Best Trick Contest will be held outside Mac’s Brewery Bar at 2.00pm weather permitting.  

See you down there.  

Bars to spend summer in

This is the extended version of today’s piece in the summer section of the Dominion Post.

So we had some awards

In fact some of us right now are celebrating those awards, at the most lovely of locations, the Mighty Mighty.

But if you were unable to make it to the TAWAS here’s how you all voted.

Expect a review of the night later on tomorrow, and by later on I mean after afternoon tea.

For right now many of the wellingtonista are shaking their thing to the sounds of the Klezmer Rebs.

Also hopefully Hadyn who is the king of stats will offer up some analysis of the way you voted.

And if you havn’t already why not head over to the DCM and give a little. As I write at this very moment $10 has been donated to DCM. If everyone who reads this blog dontated $5 each, together  we will  make a serious difference in the lives of Wellingtonians who are most at risk and in need this Christmas.

Best Cheap Eats: Sweet Mother’s Kitchen
Best un-Cheap Eats: Matterhorn
Best Drink in Town: Castlepoint at Mighty Mighty
Best Late Night Hangout: Mighty Mighty
Best Suburban Destination: Maranui Cafe
Best non-Drinking Destination: Wellington Central Library
Best Place to Shake It WINNERS: Mighty Mighty & San Francisco Bath House
Best Public Space: The Waterfront
Best Art Experience: Yayoi Kusama at City Gallery Wellington
Best Apparel: Mandatory
Best Shop: Slowboat
Most Needed: Bike lanes
Best Service: Matt at Mojo Old Bank
Best Coffee: Mojo Old Bank
Best Contribution to the Internet by a Wellingtonian: The Webstock Team
Best Regular Entertainment: The Wellington Phoenix
Best Live Performance: Question Time at Parliament
Best Wellington-based Event: The Cuba Carnival
Wellingtonian of the Year: Martin Bosley for the City Market

Kora and Strike Percussion – A Collaboration of Sound

Sydney Festival : Kora @ Becks Bar, Hyde Park Barracks Museum - 19th January, 2008 (by 'ju:femaiz)

Sydney Festival : Kora @ Becks Bar, Hyde Park Barracks Museum – 19th January, 2008 (Photo © 2008, Joel Courtney)

Bloody hell this is going to be intense!  One show only this Friday.

Last time I saw Kora play I was in field at Parihaka and the earth moved, in fact the earth possibly got packed down too hard to grow grass for awhile, due to hundreds of people jumping and writhing in unison.  Way to freak the sheep man.

More after the jump.

Sax Pack – The Mack is Back


Remember this guy and all of those drums? (Incidentally, all of those drums will be turning Kora up loud this Friday). 

Or perhaps you remember him as that crazy, sexy, cool guy playing vegetables at Fringe last year (winner Best Music and Best Solo Show at 2009 Fringe Festival).

Adam Page is back at Downstage this Sunday along with three more saxophonists, as the Adalaide Sax Pack, featuring some silky vocals from Welly’s Lisa Tomlins (Shapeshifter, Fat Freddy’s Drop, Rhombus, TrinityRoots).

Billed as:

4 world class Saxophonists, 1 HUGE quartet sound, stacks of the cheesiest music you know you love but choose to hate.

This girl is looking looking forward to the cheezy ’80s covers and being a vocal member of the raucous fun-time crowd.

Come along, it isn’t that expensive and will be downright festive (in a good way).

Details and a taster after the jump.

Montana winners

 So recently we asked you where you would drink Montana’s new-label Sav Blanc, and you told us. The threw the numbers 2 and 8 at us, so congratulations to Cat and Marshall. If you could please send an email to johubris at gmail with your address, I’ll get your wine out to you. Cheers!