Photo Credits

Thanks to the photographers responsible for allowing us to use their work as the background image at the top of each page. If you weren’t aware, the image rotates for each individual browser every 24 hours.

The images are…

  1. Inside of the Embassy Picture theatre: ???
  2. Mephisto Jones grafitti collage: ???
  3. Flat White and a Cheese Scone: coffee photo by Taniwha. Not sure about the scone, to tell the truth.
  4. Wellington from the Turbine: noizyboy.
  5. Wellington Cityscape at Night photo by ???
  6. The City-to-Sea Bridge Icons: Taniwha.

World Cup Alter Ego: Take Two

I have happy balls!Well, our initial short-list of potential under-achieving teams to support through the World Cup has proved somewhat too accurate: site favourite Holland weren’t in such Ruud health; personal pick Spain went down the drain like rain on the plain; and the poor old Mexicans wave goodbye to their cup hopes for another four years.

Of the initial shortlist, only Portugal remain. And of the other quarter-finalists who meet any of our criteria (under-achievers, exciting players, erratic form), you can’t consider the Ukraine, who are really too boring by half, as are one-time winner England, who might have come away with our sympathy vote if it wasn’t for the fact they’re playing such dour football.

Italy, Brazil, Argentina and Germany are all multiple winners, so that rules them out, leaving the other one-time winner France as our outside pick. They might be the go, actually, as on closer analysis, they certainly meet the criteria: only the one Cup championship in 1998, but then had the form-reversal of the tournament’s history when they couldn’t even score a goal in defending their title at the 2002 tournament. And plenty of flash players: Henry, Zizou, Saha, Vieira…

So, who’s it to be? Portugal, France…?

A Snark at the Park

A guest post from Kenno…

Waitangi Park, yeah, sigh, it leaves me flat. Be warned, that will become the most overused description of the next few years. It’s an urban space surrounding the marvellous Te Papa and thereby it’s not simply a Wellington space but a space that should mightily reflect the national character.

Well, if the idea was to reflect bland conservative conformism and lock-step simple mindedness with all the individuality and self expression of a schoolgirl uniform, then it will succeed. I, for one, thought we might want to reflect other, perhaps more appealing aspects of the national character. Don’t get me wrong, this place would really wow them in Nelson or Timaru, but, this city is a little beyond that, a bit more mature, slightly more cosmopolitan and farther away from pig-dogs and paddocks. Right? God, I was really trying to understate the case.

(not-so) secret Wellingtonista handshake

Okay, here it is.

the handshake. hairy hands not a prerequisite

So, you start with your hand in the ‘W for Wellington’ shape. Connect with your partner following the Welly footpath rule of staying left (ie. your leftmost finger should be on the outside of their rightmost finger). The join should be made up to the middle knuckle. Then (the coup-de-grace!) curl the ends of your fingers over. You’re now making a symbolic representation of the hilly Wellington landscape. Slide the fingers apart (symbolic representation of a catastrophic earthquake, if you’re so inclined), and you’re done.

So cool.

OfficeMax Office Products Expo

The amazing electric stapler!Somehow this appeals to me. Maybe it’s a recollection of the Dilbert cartoon where you are exhorted to improve your life with stolen office stationary.

Maybe it’s because I once took out the power in a whole building in the CBD when a colleague’s electric stapler shorted on my documents.

Who knows…? But the call of the Office Products Expo is like a siren singing to me.

I am so there already.

Actually, now I think about it, it is the free stuff. I for one will be sporting a sizeable backpack, we haven’t bought any office products for the Wellingtonista Towers in the last 3 years…


For the third year running in Wellington, Officemax hosts the office products expo of the year! Come on down to the Michael Fowler Centre and take a look at new releases in office products, furniture, technology, hygiene products and consumables.

Talk to the experts, catch the demonstrations and try products for yourself. There are fantastic free samples to collect and great prizes to be won.

WHERE: Renouf Foyer, Michael Fowler Centre,
WHEN: Wednesday 12 July
TIME: 10am – 3pm


The Pelorus Trust Fireshow kicks of at Petone Wharf at 7.30pm, Saturday July 1st.

I suggest locating yourself close to the western end of the Esplanade for the best view.

It is a great event to take children to, since it is so early, and all over and finished by 7.45pm.

Warming beverages recommended. In fact I can specifically recommend a thermos of mulled wine. Mmm, toasty.

Stitch and Bitch

Not far north of Wellington is the fabulous Hutt Valley. The jewel in the crown of Hutt City is Petone, and this is the very spot where stitchers and bitchers will be hooking up (craft joke) fortnightly. Any project is welcome, from peggy squares to pipecleaner models of the Eiffel Tower.

The meeting room at Petone Library has been booked for this Monday June 26, from 7.30pm. Unfortunately the venue is not available every Monday, so we’re still looking for the perfect spot.

If you’re keen please bowl on up. The entrance is from the Richmond St carpark. I’ll pop up some signage on the night. There is hot water, but no cups or teabags, so byo please. We do need to pay for the room hire, a gold coin donation is very welcome.

You don’t need to live anywhere near the venue to join us. We like people from everywhere. That includes you Wellington.

Questions? Contact me:

An Email Conversation About Restaurants

although, I probably won't be having the crabFellow Wellingtonistas, I am taking my in-laws out for dinner tonight. Any recommendations on a nice restaurant that isn’t The White House, Logan Brown, Il Casino, Boulot or Chow? Quiet ambience a definite plus.

I’m a big fan of Maria Pia’s. Excellent food; the service is ok to good (provided by the family, so that you know what to expect)… but maybe not hugely quiet.

In the same geographic and gastronomic area as Maria Pia’s is Francois. Nice, small and French. Try the snails.

If you’re after something at the level of The White House, Logan Brown or Il Casino, then try Citron or Martin Bosley at the Yacht Club. Definitely some of the most amazing food in the city, and quiet too. Also, while I haven’t been to Bisque at the Bolton Hotel, I’ve heard consistently great things about it.

It’s not quite so quiet, but Zibibbo is always good. Adam Newell’s one of only two Michelin-starred chefs in NZ, and more importantly, they do pizza! If the in-laws are partial to a bit of cow flesh, then I’ve heard that Crazy Horse is the place to go.

And I can heartily second the recommendation of Maria Pia’s, but it might be rather short notice.

thanks all – the Yacht Club gets the nod. Although good to have those others in reserve for future occasions…

Don’t you just love the Hive Mind?

Happy bleepings

BleepThis Wednesday night at Happy, a diverse bunch of musicians will get together for a live collaborative performance called “Bleep”. They’ve all got one thing in common: they make music with machines.

And by “machines”, they don’t just mean computers. Sure, there’s the usual brace of laptops and MPCs, but the preliminary workshop also included an electric violin, an op-shop omnichord, electronic drums, analogue tape-delays, an ancient Casiotone and what looked like a genetically engineerd hybrid between a chinese stringed instrument and a mechanical typewriter. The resulting sounds ranged from delicate to frantic, but as this is an improvised collaboration, no-one (least of all us) will know quite what to expect.

Eclectic Electric

Here are a few things to keep your mind off the weather this weekend.

The World Press Photo ’06 exhibition kicks off at Shed 11 today. It’s been interesting to see that the publicity around town has taken a very political angle this year.

Just along the waterfront at the Museum of Wellington City and Sea (I wish they’d find a shorter name!), they’re already two weeks into the month-long Wellingtonia LIVE event. The word “eclectic” doesn’t even begin to describe the range of things going on there: there’s a performances from the Tinakori Handbell Association, a Matariki celebration with Toni Huata, hurdy-gurdies, shanty singers, ghost tours, kete weaving and a debate on the controversial Marine Education Centre. My main interest will be in the series of talks organised by the Architectural Centre entitled “Why I do architecture”. These kick off at 1pm tomorrow with Anna Kemble-Walsh and Martin Hanley of Red Design and John Mills of John Mills Architects.

Poster for debut gig by The Blush ResponseFrom eclectic to electric: new synth-pop band The Blush Response have their debut gig at Sandwiches tomorrow night. The band may be new, but the musicians will be very familiar to Wellingtonians: Jeramiah Ross (aka Module), Rhian Sheehan, Raashi Malik (of Rhombus, among others) and Paul McLaney of Gramsci.

Finally, you could always try to figure out the location of the current Mystery Bar. If you do, you’d better get looking tonight because it’s closed on Saturday nights (that’s a clue). It also has something in common with Sandwiches.