Miserable Jafas?

Today’s Dominion Post carries an insufferably smug article headlined “The lonely misery of living in Auckland“. Like all good journalism these days, this story is based almost entirely upon Google: in this case, the news that a Google Trends search for the word “misery” shows that Aucklanders search Google for this word more often than […]

The Bacon Sarnie Experience

A good name for a band don’t you think? Right then, back to my lifelong obsession, the hunt for the Great Bacon Sarnie. I missed the food show. And I’m not scared of being cuddly. So I invite all our readers to tell us where the Best Bacon Sarnie can be had. In Wellington preferably, […]

Overseas experience

This weekend, if you can tear yourself away from free bacon sarnies and aren’t too busy having a bit of a look-see behind the scenes of Wellington’s art powerhouses, pop into the Overseas Passenger Terminal to get a glimpse of its proposed transformation. There will be a public open day on Saturday from 10am to […]

In which we bring you breaking news

Something’s going on in Wellington. Bus drivers in Hataitai were only taking money for one section from passengers, warning them they’d have to walk the other section any way. Four trolley buses are parked along Cambridge Terrace with their hazzard lights on. At least four more buses are parked along Courtenay Place. There were mutterings […]

Eat and eat and eat some more

At last those of us who are not sportingly inclined have a reason to visit the Cake Tin, and what a reason it is! The annual food show is upon us again, and I hope you’ve been training. There really are few things that match drinking large amounts of tiny little cups of wine and […]

Giblets, grooves and the guards themselves

Many Wellingtonistas have already discovered the goodness that is Kazu: an oasis of dark wood, mind-bending rice-based beverages and unmentionable innards on sticks, tastefully hidden away from the Courtenay hordes. In the unlikely event that beef tongue and chicken cartilage aren’t enough to tempt you up the staircase, Radio Active’s The Jewel School will be […]

NZ Music Month at the Library

Wellington Public Library is getting into the spirit of NZ Music Month with a series of free concerts of the course of this week. Our pick of the bunch is the Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra, featuring the talents of Flight of the Conchords Bret McKenzie and local songsmith Age Pryor, as well as an ever-expanding […]

Bus(t) a move

So, as part of the big shiny Metlink rebranding, they’re going to change zones and prices, and they’d like you to have a say. Wondering what this means and how it might affect you? Well, if you’re under 18 or over 65, you might get 50% off your fares, provided you show a photo ID. […]

Armageddon – down to the event centre…

Wow! Want to meet… Kaylee from Firefly? The very hot Ivanova from Babylon 5? One of the (original) Dukes of Hazzard? and the General Lee? Not to mention this person (no idea who, but I think you’d like to meet her, no? All you have to do is dress up like your favourite sci-fi character, […]

The Library Elf

library elf shown is not representative of actual library elvesHere’s a handy online service for those of you who use Wellington’s excellent Public Libraries. Create an account over at Library Elf, enter your library card details, and they’ll create a customised RSS feed that tells you what books you’ve got out that are nearing their return date. Very handy for those of us who manage to lose the paper issue slip somewhere between the library exit and home.

The Hutt and Porirua libraries are also on the system, as are a few other NZ-based libraries.

[hat tip: fraser, via chch-changes.]