andrew's hand screwing a switch

Best of the week: 9-16 June 2016

Best contribution to society The monthly Repair Cafe at Ngaio Union Church.  How cool to have a big room full of incredibly competent humans dedicated to helping others for free (you can contribute koha and if you don’t have coins, ask them for their bank account number). I took a record player and was not […]

A room with a (typically Wellington) view.

A night at the Bolton Hotel

Back in August, our editor Jo attended the Bolton Hotel‘s Wellington on a Plate event and enjoyed it mightily. In the ensuing interplay on Twitter, the Hotel invited one of us to stay the night so that we could experience their hospitality more fully. I quickly took up the offer on the behalf of the […]

What to do in Wellington with a motorhome

This post is sponsored by Wilderness Motorhomes We love telling people what to do. Especially telling people what to do in Wellington. That’s why we exist. So when we were offered this sponsored post we were happy to take up the challenge of what to do in Wellington if you’re an out-of-towner visiting in a […]

Towards Tangi-te-Keo

Up the back of Newtown — past the hospital, past New Zealand’s first branch library, past the community display-window where the Conscientious Objectors’ memorials absent from Pukeahu Park quietly underscore ANZAC celebrations — runs a narrow path marking the spine of Tangi-te-Keo (later Mt Victoria). Māori knew the spine of Tangi-te-Keo as Te Ranga-a-Hiwi, the Ridge of […]

A new taonga for Ngā Taonga

The 2014 amalgamation of our Film, Television and Sound Archives into Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision saw its nomenclature justified this week with the unveiling of an aural taonga for the ages. On the 35th anniversary of Wellington Access Radio’s arrival on air, broadcast material dating back throughout the station’s lively history has been added […]

Eat. Drink. Power. People. Pods

Our Kris has been doing an AMAZING job with all her theatre reviews, while the rest of us slack off, so let me attempt to put that slightly more in balance with one post about all the things I’ve been meaning to write about forever. Eat / Drink / Power / People / Pods Jano. Go […]

The Third Eye + Boar & Blade + Mojo = The Vanuatu Fundraiser

UPDATE: Due to that dastardly weather causing havoc across Wellington today the Beer & Blade Vanuatu Fundraiser has been postponed until tomorrow night, Friday, 15 May. You may recall, amidst all the atrocities that occur on a far too regular basis throughout the world, that in mid-March Vanuatu was hit by Cyclone Pam. The cyclone killed over 10 […]

Wellington on the other side of the world

We all know that Wellington is the centre of the universe, but did you know there’s a Wellington that’s the center of the universe as well? Not so long ago, we got an email from Rick of Walk about Wellington. Yup, that’s right, there’s a Wellington in Florida, USA as well. We answered some questions about […]

Karen wants her twenty dollars back

A small community service announcement… The following message was apparently left on an answer-phone when the caller mis-dialled. The involved parties would appear to be from Stokes Valley. Could someone let the ‘Rachel’ mentioned know that Karen wants her $20 back. Thank you. (Warning: NSFW language).

A southerly front

Yesterday’s forecast thunderstorm didn’t quite arrive in central Wellington (rainfall was impressive, though, and the twittersphere reports there were a few bangs and flashes out in the Hutt and Kapiti way — anyone else?), but the front itself was an impressive meteorological phenomenon. Dave Donaldson captured a nice time-lapse of it rolling in over Cook […]