But what about the children?

There are hundreds – nay thousands – of possible venues in our fair city for children’s parties. Today I bring you one that I have recently used and enjoyed.

The YMCA on Tasman St is available for hire at a very reasonable rate. It is pretty rough, which actually is nice and relaxing when you have 20 under 4s hooning around. There are crash pads, a huge foam pit, beams, balls and lots of opportunities for kids to run themselves ragged.

You can take your own food and there is chilled water on site.

No alcohol allowed, so I’ll be rethinking it as a venue for my own birthday. A martini in that foam pit seems very appealing.

I didn’t spot a single Young Christian Man, nor did anyone perform YMCA. We had a goodly dose of the Spice Girls though.

YMCA of Greater Wellington INC
69 Tasman St Wellington 0-4-385 4091

Wellington JAFA?

jaffasThe Generation XY crowd are having a competition to find an equivalent for the phrase used to describe a certain type of Aucklander: the JAFA.

It took about 35 or so comments before someone finally conjured up something for the JAFA’s age-old ally in movie-theatre tooth-decaying crime: SNIFTA (Suited Nominal Intellectual Funding Terrible Arts Snivelling Nerds In Flash Terrace Apartments).

But my personal favourite is…


Another Government Employee Not Doing Anything.

Which naturally leads to the ‘Hidden Agenda’ which are the New Govt Employees that are artificially holding the unemployment rate down.

Brilliant. Add your own suggestions to the Gen XY comments thread over here.

Wellingtonian Wally of the Year: nomination #1

Might we nominate the two adults who thought that taking eight pre-schoolers for a walk through the Terrace Tunnel as ‘Wellington Wally of the Year’? Yes, we might. [photo courtesy of taniwha]

Test your knowledge

I’m writing questions for a work Quiz Night that we’re going to be having tomorrow, and decided that it would be good to have a ‘Courtenay Place and its surroundings’ round, given the location of this particular branch of the Wellingtonista. How well will you do at answering these questions in the comments, without googling, […]

Links for Tuesday, 31 May 2005

Yet more Wellingtonist ‘let me count the ways‘ goodness, this time from Ratpony (no permalinks on the site, so you’ll have to find it for yourself if it’s dropped off the frontpage). Mouse running across Island Bay woman’s foot sparks multi-national efforts emergency services into action. Wellington doctor Ken Looi rides around Basin Reserve 814 […]

Links for Monday, 30 May 2005

A couple more additions to the ‘Let me count the ways…‘ Wellingtonist meme, from Sibylle at heimatseeker and Mr Reasonable at Whispering Inferno The Wellington City Council in-fighting reaches new lows Tornado action in Paraparaumu, resulting in this from MetService… Severe-weather forecaster Paul Mallinson said he had “almost mentioned weak tornadoes” in predictions for the […]

Links for Friday, 27 May 2005

Make Tea Not War adds to the list of Wellingtonist ‘let me count the ways’ meme Falco over at addict.net.nz proclaims his site is made up of ‘columnists’, not ‘bloggers’, goddammit! Wellington bands on the up. Keep up with the cool kids with this nzmusic.com primer on the welly bands whose names you should be […]

Links for Wednesday, 25 May 2005

Ecoqueer waxes lyrical about Maui – One Man Against the Gods, which is being performed at the St James Theatre until early June. The Supreme Court may be getting shifted to the Thorndon Tavern. Question is, will the judges demand that the bar remain behind? Karaoke Poetry at Bats. Better (much better, we’ve been told), […]

Links for Monday, 23 May 2005

Kakariki has a good time at the Green Room 004: Hope CD release party. Some media attention for Whispering Inferno will hopefully have a couple of local real estate agents and developers shaking in their boots. Conversations overheard on the Cable Car. Examples of the sort of stimulating chat you’re likely to overhear on Wellington’s […]