Won Dr. Pt. Rnd. Total
Xero 2 2 2 0 12
Clemenger 2 2 0 0 10
Silverstripe 1 2 0 1 7
Bowltron 1 2 0 0 6
Bowlingtonista 0 2 0 0 2
Clicksuite 0 2 0 0 2
Dr: Drink Bonus, Pt: Points Bonus, Rnd: Random Bonus.

Team results and commentary after the jump.

Bowlingtonista vs. Silverstripe: 342 to 451

Clemenger vs. Clicksuite: 451 to 369

Bowltron vs. Xero: 479 to 480

The random bonus is 1 point that can be earned in a fashion decided upon on the night. Last night that point came from the fastest bowl – which saw a lot of gutter balls and also Dave from Bowlingtonista sliding into the lane in the process of trying to earn it, but ultimately ‘Karen’ from Silverstripe bowled at a whopping 34.08km per hour, and earned ‘her’ team that extra point.

Did you see how close Bowltron and Xero were? Woah! That must have been a pretty intense match. Meanwhile, if I were to do anything as arbitary as award points for the team that consistently stays out to drink with us after the game, ClickSuite would be chalking it up. Oh, and Clemenger need to remember to bring cash next time to buy raffle tickets. In fact, everyone should.