DCM Bookfair dates & donations
The day of the 2017 DCM Bookfair is Set.
Set aside time for book foraging on Saturday August 5th from 8am till 8pm, at Shed 6 in Queens Wharf.
This week, is your last chance to donate books because there is a strong likelihood DCM may have to move out of their book storage facility straight after Bookfair. To ensure they are not leaving good books behind (normally unsorted books stay in storage till the following years Bookfair) they can’t accept book donations after this week.
You can take books to Shelly Bay this Thursday 1 June from 10am-2pm. See the photo where ‘X’ marks the spot. Their storage facility is opposite Chocolate Fish Cafe, 100 Shelly Bay Road.
Do you have food to Donate to DCM?
Anytime between 9 – 5pm, Tuesday – Fridays you can drop much appreciated items off at DCM in 2 Lukes Lane
Top of the wanted list is always
* Pasta/Curry Sauces
* Tinned soups
* Instant noodles
* Tinned fish
* Canned ready meals / stews
* Disposable razors