The New Zealand Fringe Festival
The New Zealand Fringe Festival has been going for a week and it’s got just over two more weeks to run. Sadly, I’ve only made it to two shows so far (because moving house) a pathetic effort really, because there are HEAPS. Cabaret, circus, comedy, dance, music, theatre, visual art – there are a lot of events to choose from.
I particularly like the principle that anyone can have a show in the Fringe. It’s open to anyone who registers a show then pays the registration fee. This means there’s a juxtaposition of experienced theatre makers (like Trick of the Light Theatre and My Accomplice) alongside some experimental outdoor shows (The Public Service) and fiery circus acts (Community Arts and Circus Trust New Zealand). The prices are really reasonable – from koha shows through to $20 for a ticket. (If you’re concerned about koha I recommend taking $20 in small notes so if you like it you can put ALL THE MONEY in the hat.) There’s even a podcast billed as “the Fringe show you can enjoy between Fringe shows”. If you’d prefer to sample some of the shows first then join James in the Fringe Libation Lounge.