Review: NO SLEEP

Reviewed by Rebecca Stubbing. Friday the 13th was the perfect occasion for NO SLEEP, a joyfully chaotic improv show presented at this year’s New Zealand Improv Festival. The show began at 9:30pm on the wonderful Stage at BATS Theatre, and the slightly sleepy audience were immediately reassured by the performers not to worry, we were […]

Nelson Designer Takes Out WOW’s Top Award for Second Time

Nelson Designer Gill Saunders was awarded The World of Wearable Art’s Supreme Award this Friday for her design, Earthling (pictured). Taking its inspiration from the rising popularity of adult colouring books and promoting mindfulness in a “world under increasing stress”, Earthling celebrates earth’s natural wonders in a beautifully crafted garment made from EVA foam, acrylic […]

Review: Mamma Mia!

Te Auaha’s Musical Theatre cohort for 2023 is bringing Mamma Mia! to our shores this September, and we are all better for it. A spellbinding, fabulous version of Catherine Johnson/ABBA’s jukebox musical knocked my absolute socks off last night, and I’m seriously considering going back to see it again. You might have seen the 2008 […]

Review: Music To Die For

Noted Wellington improv troupe Best on Tap is back performing this month with a new iteration of their grounded and clever improv in a show using your music suggestions! Music To Die For takes six songs that you (the audience) would play at your funeral and uses them to inspire layered, complex scenes about the […]

Review: Dirty Work

By Talia Carlisle An ode to joy! For the first time recently I joined a choir, and as we joined together as strangers to sing, holding our music and raising our voices in harmony, I could feel such joy and togetherness lifting everyone up, and connecting us together while also creating a melodic story told […]

Review: Lightscapes

Imagery by Stephen A’Court. The Royal New Zealand Ballet is back with another series of four ballets to warm you up this winter. Celebrating the power and possibility of dance, these four ballets range from the classic to the experimental, a wonderful tableau that accurately sums up the RZNB’s 70th anniversary. Opening the show is […]

Review: 35mm

By Talia Carlisle Everyone is talking about 35mm, and it’s not a measurement, but a movement it seems, from the sound of new fans I’ve talked to. 35mm is a musical written by Ryan Scott Oliver on at Gryphon Theatre until Saturday, which incorporates music, original choreography and a live band led by musical director […]

Review: Female Lady Women Comedians

Review by Talia Carlisle Is it a bird, is it a plane, no it’s Samantha Hannah leading a super all-female all-funny line-up of comedians that share a striking resemblance… but definitely aren’t all the same person… *wink!* Having been nominated for both Best Comedian, and Best MC at last year’s Wellington Comedy Awards, it makes […]

Review: The Coven on Grey Street

The first thing that grips me as soon as I walk into Circa Two is Lucas Neal’s gorgeous set design for this show – a huge pohutakawa that stretches up and across the entire stage, a white picket fence, and the outside edge of a traditional weatherboard kiwi house. Cicadas chirp (beautiful sound design by […]

Review: Fifty Shades of Ray

Reviewed by Talia Carlisle. On a rain-splattered Wellington evening, I find myself refuge in BATS Theatre’s Studio space where paper “worries” are hung on string across the small stage. An eager smattering of audience members buzz in excitement, waiting for Ray Shipley to enter, fresh from a popular Christchurch season with a well-crafted set ready […]