Something to get off our chests
If, like many of us, you’re furious about the way many media outlets treat women, you need to start reading the American magazine Bust. It’s fiercely feminist, but also riffs on craft, culture and fashion – in a good way (they use ‘real’ people for models, of all shapes, sizes and sexualities etc) In fact, their new issue is the perfect place to start, because it features our Wellingtonians of the Year, the all-conquering Flight of the Conchords on one side of its flip cover, along with the Wellington landmark-defiling Elijah Wood.
I recommend subscribing, because this magazine is really so very very awesome, but if you just want to give it a go, you can buy it at Vic Books, Magazzino, and probably Unity Books.
The Phoenix Foundation – Bleaching Sun
Some Friday music video viewing for you. Two of the best things in life — Cricket and Music — combined into one fine music video from Wellington’s increasingly hirsute Phoenix Foundation…
Newtown at night with the Newtownista
About half the Wellingtonista now call Newtown home, so we thought it was about time we did some exploring of the area. Therefore, on this coming Saturday, we’re going to be doing a Newtownista Pub Crawl, and you should come with us!
We’re going to start on Riddiford St down near the zoo around 7.30pm, and work our way back towards town, aiming to end up at Amigo’s for tapas. Most of us haven’t been to most of the bars, so we’ll be intending to give them all a go-to, even the dodgy ones – but we may change our minds on the night when we look in their doors.
To come along, either show up in that area at that time, get in contact with a cellphone number so we can text you our progress, or follow my twitter account as hopefully I’ll remember to update it as we go along. We’re going to boldly go where some people have gone before, and it should be a jolly good time.
Gorgeous photo by Dead Possum, yanked from flickr
Wahine disaster anniversary
Just in case you’ve managed to avoid the saturation coverage across the news media for the last week or so, today marks the 40th anniversary of the Wahine disaster.
We won’t add to the plethora of stories (well, we are with this story I suppose, but, well, err…) we mostly just wanted to make note of one article in the NZ Herald, entitled…
Wahine ticket revives terrifying memories (+photos, audio)
Ahhh, yes. It’ll be the ticket reviving those terrifying memories. Not the barrage of photos, audio or video.
Anyway, cynicism aside, it was a tragic event in Wellington’s history, and we’ll be taking a quiet moment today to remember the victims, and to salute the many brave people who risked their own lives to head to the beaches (and, in some cases, out into the storm-lashed waters), to help rescue the hundreds of passengers and crew of the ship who had been thrown into the sea from the foundering ship.
Opening tonight – all welcome
A swag of Wellington artists have produced video art for The Artists Film Festival, opening tonight at 5:30pm at the Film Archive (cnr Taranaki and Ghuznee Sts).
Curated by Wellington-based curator (and Listener art critic) Paula J Booker, the show promises an extreme mix of artworks….28 video works in total, possibly the largest video exhibition ever undertaken in NZ.
Highlights include someone singing to Janis Joplin until almost passing out, CHCH artist James Oram generating electricity by bike to power his own ME sign….it’s all pretty entertaining/shocking/thought-provoking stuff.
The Artists Film Festival
11 April รขโฌโ 17 May 2008
LIVE PERFORMANCE, Thursday 17 April, 7pm
The Twilight Drone by Johannes Contag (of Cloudboy fame) Tickets $8/6.
Contag explores the notion of the ambient film with live accompaniment to this film work shot in a snow-covered Austria…
Stock Market Goes Haywire!
Is it just me, or is the NZX animated display much more aesthetically pleasing when it goes berserk?
Mighty Mighty – Facebook update in time for us all to act
Mighty Mighty Bar has released their Facebook “what’s on” earlier than previous ones – on ’em!
This may be the final chance you get to catch Delaney Davidson and his Ghost Orchestra before he goes back Europe way! IT IS A MUST SEE SHOW !
Also here is this weeks gigaroos! see you here, or you are square ๐
Captain Richardo and the Mighty Musketeers
WED 9th – 8:30pm ROSIE TIN TEA CADDIE + ACHILES BOTES. Sweet folk.Lapping in the sea of tranquilitea come s these nicey nice hand holding acts.
THUR 10th – 9pm – The WRONGDOINGS,DELANEYDAVIDSON and his 8piece GHOST ORCHESTRA(last NZ gig),SLIM CHANTS,Say goodbye to the drummer about town,Jelly and the last time in a year to hear his numerous and great bands.Dirty country.
FRI 11th – 10pm THE SHADES E.P Release + THE AVIATORS. AK`s finest soul outfit. Hip hop beats funk and soul,a smokey session indeed!
SAT 12th – HI ACES ALBUM RELEASE ,with The BLACKBELLES finally a recording from these local country favourites.Fill your jugs and raise `em high!
Catch of the day
Piscivores rejoice! A couple of local fishing boats have started to dock at Chaffers Marina on Sundays and are selling their wares direct to the public, and it will make a nice complement to the meat & veg at Waitangi Park market. The species on offer no doubt depend upon what’s caught on the day, but today’s offerings ran from groper steaks and blue warehou to octopus (for those with a tentacle fetish) and kina (for those who like it spiny and slimy).
More fishy goodness after the jump.
It’s how we’re drinking
Good to see the local hostelries promoting responsible drinking: tonight, Blend are not only offering $5 Jägerbomb tickets, but are hosting a “New Zealand Jägerbomb record attempt” at 9pm. I really don’t envy the street cleaners who’ll have to deal with Wakefield St tomorrow morning.
Even those not tempted by such excess might sometimes dream about living in a bar. Well, here’s the next best thing. The former Imbibe is being stripped out in anticipation of its redevelopment by the lovely Bresolin boys, and tomorrow from 10am to midday they’re having a “bar garage sale”, selling off everything from glassware and lampshades to tables, couches and “even the kitchen sink”. So to relive the glory days of Imbibe (pineapples optional) at your own pad, get on down to Swan Lane and duke it out with the other punters in search of a bargain.
Many barflies say they’ll die for a drink, but some take it too literally. At the newly opened Lagerfield, one unlucky punter found in their Martini an unwanted couple of garnishes in addition to the olives: two very dead little fruitflies. Worse, there was too much vermouth. Still, what a way to go. (And by the way, the staff were appropriately horrified and rectified the situation with aplomb, so I’d agree with CC Vince that it’s worth checking out.)
Cinephilia: Opening This Week
After last week’s pathetic attempt at weather forecasting, I will refrain from suggesting anything other than there are three new films at the movies this week.
First up, slipping in to the wee cinemas at the back of the Paramount is French romantic comedy Change of Address. Musician Emmanuel Mouret has arrived in Paris without accommodation and is approached by Frederique Bel about sharing her flat. Ignoring the life-rule that goes “Don’t f*ck your flatmates, don’t mix your drinks” they become, er, acquainted. Complications ensue. Change of Address is described by Urban Cinefile in Australia as “playful and amusing”. Paramount only.
I saw Never Back Down yesterday and I’m not giving too much away if I tell you that it is then most repulsive and objectionable film I have witnessed in a long time. As Ken Duncum once said (in another context) not only should this film never have been made but all those responsible should have to atone for having made it. Readings (and maybe Regent-on-Manners but their web site is down).
Finally Definitely, Maybe is a romantic comedy starring Ryan Reynolds and Abigail Breslin (relax, they’re not the romantically entwined couple – give her a few more years yet). Breslin plays Reynold’s 11-year-old daughter who wants to know why Daddy is getting divorced. Through the medium of extended flashback, Reynolds then tries to explain his life and how he and her mother fell in love. The twist: we don’t find out which of his three significant former lovers is his one true love until the end. Readings.
I’ve slipped a bit behind in reviewing current releases thanks to the Showcase but these three plus Rambo, Bonneville and The Eye will be reviewed at Funerals & Snakes next Wednesday.