Our weekly roundup of best things in Wellington continues and this week we’ve got contributions from Alan, Joanna, Martha and Tom.

Best new place for dogs off leash

an extremely fluffy small dog

We discovered that dogs are ok unleashed on the Remutaka Incline so we were able to take our fluffbeast biking with us (she’s got her own bike seat for when she gets tired). This was a good thing! – Alan

(Editor’s note: Despite appearing to be a very large Dulux dog, Eibhneas is apparently an an extremely fluffy small dog, a Tibetan terrier to be specific, which makes the vision of her riding on a bike slightly less comical. Sorry.)

Best indulgence: three milks! In this economy!

The Tres Leches cake from Viva Mexico ($12) is a ridiculously rich and sweet kind of trifle that doesn’t bother with fruit or jelly.

tres leches cake in a plastic cup

One day I will actually write up all the tiramisu I have tried around town, but for now know this is a great substitute if you don’t like coffee. And heed my advice better that I do, and don’t try and eat the whole thing by yourself in one sitting. Oooooof. – Joanna

Best synchronicity of another Wellingtonista also enjoying a leche-based dessert (along with a pie)

Mairana's kitchen sign

I had an excellent chicken and leek pie and salad at Mariana’s Kitchen at the Lower Hutt War Memorial Library and it was only $12.50. Gorgeous spot to sit in the sun. I took home a pan de leche for later. – Martha

Best use of being really open about your diagnosis because it makes the world a better place when people are able to be honest and accommodated

Mayor Tory Whanau. And though I too have ADHD, it shouldn’t take being neurospicy to see that honestly, most meetings could be and should be just 15 minutes long instead of an hour! – Joanna

Best weird little guys: native orchids

little native orchid

There’s not much flowering in the ngahere right now, but a few species of native orchid are at their peak in winter. The eastern hills are good places to see them, and here are two specimens of winter greenhood (Pterostylis alobula) and pixie cap (Acianthus sinclairii) that I snapped just now a few minutes walk from the Days Bay ferry. They’re far from showy and only a few centimetres tall, so they can take some finding, but theses weird little guys can be worth the hunt. – Tom B

Worst departure from Twitter

The Wellington City Council social media team, a couple of weeks ago. Admittedly, this is fair enough because a) twitter is awful and b) people on social media are awful (see: how in Nelson 46 people were generating 25% of all the work) but now who’s going to provide me with speedy answers about whatever roadworks are happening at night in Thorndon? I’m going to have to… go on Facebook?

But seriously, Simone and Molly are among the very best in the business, and well done Wellington City Council for trusting them to do their job and empowering them to shut down racist dickheads. – Joanna

Best bonus picture of Alan’s dog

very floofy dog

(anyone else remember when this was -not- the kind of dogging location we used to talk about?