very floofy dog

Best of the week: 2 June to 9 June 2024

Our weekly roundup of best things in Wellington continues and this week we’ve got contributions from Alan, Joanna, Martha and Tom. Best new place for dogs off leash We discovered that dogs are ok unleashed on the Remutaka Incline so we were able to take our fluffbeast biking with us (she’s got her own bike […]

If you’re a food business, enter the Good Food Boost

When the world seems so gut-wrenchingly awful and determined to crush the most vulnerable even further into the ground it’s kind of hard to write about events and launches and delicious food (yes, truly we are the ones suffering, etc. Not). So if we can spotlight people doing good work, like Epuni School’s Unity Garden I […]

Southern Cycling

Are you one of the increasing number of cycling daredevils who spend mornings and evenings dodging the traffic on Riddiford Street, outrunning buses in the Adelaide Road bus lane, and watching in dismay as cars try and overtake you on the downhill stretch into the Bay when you’re already doing 50km/h? If so, you might […]

Let’s help Wellington SPCA into a new home

Wellington City Council would like your views on the draft Long Term Plan 2012-22. The draft plan sets out what the Council is proposing to do over the next ten years. Public consultation on the Wellington City Council Draft Long Term Plan runs from the 16th April to 18th May 2012. This is your chance to have […]