very floofy dog

Best of the week: 2 June to 9 June 2024

Our weekly roundup of best things in Wellington continues and this week we’ve got contributions from Alan, Joanna, Martha and Tom. Best new place for dogs off leash We discovered that dogs are ok unleashed on the Remutaka Incline so we were able to take our fluffbeast biking with us (she’s got her own bike […]

a photo of Mindy from behind, walking along a road. She's wearing bright orange tights and pink shorts

A walk for transgender youth

This week’s profile takes us to the other side of the Remutaka Ranges for a very good cause.  1. Hello! Who the heck are youse and what are you up to? I’m Kylie, and collectively we’re the Parry/Hannen whānau. My 17-year-old daughter and I are walking across the Wairarapa into Wellington to raise money and […]

“Slow down you bastards”

Tom’s been walking again. Follow his latest tramping adventure from traversing the Hutt Valley to Kāpiti via the Akatarawa Road here.

Film : Where There Is Life

The task of caring for his terminally ill wife Margaret falls squarely on the broad shoulders of Stephen Lee. He would not have it any other way. Wellington film maker Gwen Isaac’s observational documentary was shot over the four years following Eastbourne woman Margaret’s diagnosis with motor neuron disease. We watch as the focus of the […]

Are you Super? Will you Submit

The local government commission has proposed a reorganisation of the Wellington region, which you can read more about over on the local government commission site. The regional council is split over the proposal. Perhaps more importantly, according to Stuff, only 26% of Wellingtonians are in favour of the proposal. We’re not taking a side here […]

The Hutt gets a new market

I know we make fun of the Hutt (except for the ‘ista members who actually live there and really quite like it, of course).  We tease it and call it names, similar to how we might treat a sibling, but just like our pain in the ass older brother, when they do cool things we […]

Something wonderful at The Dowse

Emma from Emma Makes kindly visited and revisited  – Wunderrūma: New Zealand Jewellery  exhibition at The Dowse  for us. Each time I return to Wunderrūma: New Zealand Jewellery I find something new I want to own. It began at the opening with Emily Valentine’s Kingfisher Brooch (2013). “Is that a bird?” said the friend I was […]

What a Feeling!

Do you ever wonder what happens at the end of the day to the freshly made bread that Wellington bakeries can’t sell? Do you ever wonder what happens to the fresh fruit and vegetables at the markets that are still edible but not good enough to sell? I can tell you. For the last few […]

Are men ‘man enough’ to knit?

There is a bit of a knitting renaissance taking over the world. It’s cool, it’s hip and as proof, the ultimate gentleman of hipster cool, Ryan Gosling, likes to unwind after a long day with some yarn & pair of needles – he’s described a day-long knitting session as “one of the most relaxing days […]

Return to the valley of the dolls

I was in Wellington, my first time back since I left in April, and I was furiously catching up on things. I got the bus out to the Hutt and visited the Dowse Art Museum. It was choice, but as I left the gallery, I spied something much more intriguing across the square. Over at […]