Hutty goodtimes

The Hutt is a seething mass of culture (as if you didn’t know), and at the moment there is a particularly splendid outdoor exhibition of sculpture, Shape Shifter. The art works are for sale, and we at the Wellingtonista Towers feel a few would look just the thing in the foyer. The exhibition is at the Civic Gardens, next to the Horticultural Hall and opposite the Dowse.

Why not make a real trip of it, and come out on Saturday for the Petone Fiesta. This street carnival features a vibrant and eclectic mix of music, food, theatre, arts and crafts. A certain shop may even be open especially late for the fun , and a certain shopkeeper may be guzzling grog to make the fun funner, but that is another story…

Petone Fiesta, Jackson St, 6pm-10pm 8th March.

Shape Shifter, Civic Gardens, 22 February – 16 March.

Petone Fair today!

Be there to score some great food and rides and crowds and good times and bargains at a truly cool, old skool fair.

Jackson St, Petone. Today.

Um, that is all.

Right up your Hutt Valley

The winter carnival is on in sunny Petone next weekend (7th July). There will be circus acts, trapeze, and extremely chilling dip in the ole briny during the day.

The best bit of all is in the evening, when there is a huge fireworks display off the pier. The middle of winter lends itself to a very civilised start time of 7.30pm.

Wrap up warm and bring a thermos of whatever you like to warm you from the inside.

Come early, enjoy dinner at one of the local eateries and avoid the traffic, which can get a little sticky approaching kick off.

More sensible and detailed information can be found here.

theNewDowse goes ape sh*t

The spiders are coming!Taken straight from the Weta Holics website:

As if you needed another reason to live in New Zealand! The wonderful Dowse Museum in Lower Hutt has just re-launched and is now calling itself TheNewDowse . . . AND they’re hosting a King Kong exhibition from June to November this year!

They’re calling it Becoming King Kong. I feel excited just thinking about it!

It’s opening on 23 June and runs until 11 November 2007. A wee bird tells me that it’s packed with insights into the ground-breaking film-making technologies used to make the movie, as well as the creative processes used in the conception of the character of Kong. That’s right – the grumpy ape that keeps on turning up in the film he he…

The exhibition will take you behind the scenes to experience the Weta way of working, the expansive collection of the sculptured creatures, the beauty of the sketches, the innovative techniques and the secrets of how these were achieved: it took thousands of drawings, hundreds of design maquettes and Weta Digital’s visual effects team years of work to create the character of Kong.

To celebrate the exhibition, we’ll be revealing previously never seen before online images from the making of the film in the new Weta Gallery

Coming soon

Fair season

The next five weeks are going to be tres busy for the discerning shopper. There are fairs galore. Here is a quick run down:

15th February – Craftwerk is on at the Southern Cross. An almost all new line-up of stalls will keep it fresh and interesting, and it is on from 5-9pm with bands.

17th February – Petone Fair. Jackson St will be chock full of everything from sausage sizzles, bouncy castles and ethnic food, to fab jewellery, clothes and gifts. Starts 10am. I recommend parking along the Esplanade and walking a couple of blocks to the fair.

17th February – The Big Bang is on at the NewDowse. This signals a month of exciting activities. A highlight will be The Real Hot Bitches performing a danceathon at 4pm.

3rd March – The second of the Martinborough Fairs is on. This is a repeat performance of the fair in February, with all the same fabulous food and stalls. It is a great opportunity to scope out some wineries while you’re over the hill. Martinborough Square.
10th March – Gay and Lesbian Fair, Newtown School. An array of stalls and activities. 9am-4pm

17th March – Whoop! Craft2.0 is going to be on at the NewDowse in Lower Hutt. This fabulous fair is the culmination of a month of activities at the NewDowse to celebrate its renovations. There will be the finest craft from around the country and hot bands. More information on this exciting event will be updated every 2 minutes (heh).

Help Fight Gnomelessness!

Arched Gnome HomeCool prezzie alert – Locally made Gnome Homes & Gnomaloos. Hand cast by a master blacksmith in the Hutt Valley (who also does a good line in Roman Armour, and let’s face it, who doesn’t like dressing up in Roman Armour?, and a few other ideas he’s working on which I’ll report on when they come to fruition, but which must remain under wraps for now so as not to give away his ideas to competitors.)

Even Gnomes have to go.I just got a couple of Gnomehomes & matching Gnomaloos for my nieces, they also come, I’m told, in camouflage colours for the boys, and in various combinations – Gnome Village, and the bulk pack which I guess could constitute a Gnome City.

You can get them through this site, or by emailing Murray (click on the little Murray figure for the email link), or through numerous retail outlets, including Christopher’s Crystals in Cuba Street.

Welcome to


The Settlers Museum is hosting the MUKA YOUTH PRINT EXHIBITION 2006.

The exhibition features a collection of forty original lithographs by twenty prominent artists from New Zealand, Australia and Europe.

The exhibition is unique in that it is only open to young people aged 5 to 18. The idea is that young people are given the opportunity to see, select and buy an art work that they like, uninfluenced by adults or the name of the artist. All the works reflect the normal style of the artists and there is no “talking down” to the children.

The uniform low price means that this is an excellent way for young people to get real works of art into their hands.

Settlers Museum
The Esplanade

25 and 26 November
12 noon – 5pm

Mother Baby & Child Show

In your spare moments not spent at Craftwerk this weekend, you may like to come out to sunny Hutt City for the Mother Baby and Child Show. This free event features an array of exhibits from enterprising mothers (catchily titled Mumz Biz).

Not wishing to pimp my own ride too much, watch me pimp my ride. Babylicious will be there, as will uber-local-clever-evil-bears, the Scrappers.Srappers pillows

Horticultural Hall, Laings Road, Lower Hutt.

Sunday, October 22nd – 10.30am to 5.00pm

Monday, October 23rd – 10.00am to 5.00pm

We all knew Petone was part of Wellington

The Harbour Ward comprising Petone, Korokoro, Seaview, Gracefield and Eastbourne are launching a petition campaign over the next 2 weeks to gauge public support for the transfer of the HARBOUR WARD from Hutt City to Wellington City.

They allege that the Hutt Council has failed in its responsibilities to protect buildings, the parks, and the ageing citizens.

There are public meetings planned;

19th September 8pm Muritai School Hall, Eastbourne

26th September Senior Citizens Hall Silberry Place, off Kensington Street, Petone

From my perspective, I think Hutt Council has allowed some beautiful buildings to be annihilated and replaced with such fabulous structures as Rebel Sports.

I also think that the very witty billboard campaign they have at the moment has got up the noses of many Eastbourne residents (imagine implying Eastbourne residents are snooty – the cheek!), and they are behind this move.

I’d be happy to change to Wellington Council. They have cheaper rates. Plus, we all know that Petone is the Riviera of Wellington.

Williams Gallery

There is a great exhibition at the Williams Gallery in Petone featuring a range of prints by Michael Smither. Most of the art uses fairly abstract forms in a limited palette. I rate them highly. Don’t be put off by the boat picture on the Williams website, because frankly I think there are far stronger pieces than that.

Very appealing too are the prices. Plenty to be had for under $1000, and if you’re in the market to spend more, you can get a lovely big print.

And for the more sensitive amongst you, I didn’t notice any paintings by Patrick Williams starring lady bits. Praise be.