
The Pelorus Trust Fireshow kicks of at Petone Wharf at 7.30pm, Saturday July 1st.

I suggest locating yourself close to the western end of the Esplanade for the best view.

It is a great event to take children to, since it is so early, and all over and finished by 7.45pm.

Warming beverages recommended. In fact I can specifically recommend a thermos of mulled wine. Mmm, toasty.

Stitch and Bitch

Not far north of Wellington is the fabulous Hutt Valley. The jewel in the crown of Hutt City is Petone, and this is the very spot where stitchers and bitchers will be hooking up (craft joke) fortnightly. Any project is welcome, from peggy squares to pipecleaner models of the Eiffel Tower.

The meeting room at Petone Library has been booked for this Monday June 26, from 7.30pm. Unfortunately the venue is not available every Monday, so we’re still looking for the perfect spot.

If you’re keen please bowl on up. The entrance is from the Richmond St carpark. I’ll pop up some signage on the night. There is hot water, but no cups or teabags, so byo please. We do need to pay for the room hire, a gold coin donation is very welcome.

You don’t need to live anywhere near the venue to join us. We like people from everywhere. That includes you Wellington.

Questions? Contact me:

Breastfeeding Bonanza

Women’s Health Action are celebrating World Breastfeeding Week in style, with an attempt to break the world record for “The most mothers breastfeeding simultaneously”. The valiant attempt will be made this Saturday 6th August, with the nationwide “latch-on” at 11am. The countdown will be broadcast on The Edge 97.5. The Wellington venue will be Trentham […]

Fireworks in Petone

Here we are recommending you to head North up the motorway for the second time in as many weeks, but we suspect the mid-winter fireworks display to be held off the Petone beach tomorrow night (Sat 18 June), will be well worth it. According to the official press release over at the Hutt City Council […]

The New Cool

The New Cool – an exhibition that celebrates the achievements of some of New Zealand’s small but successful creative companies – started this week at the Dowse Art Gallery out in the Hutt, and, having seen a wee sneak preview last weekend, as the final preparations were being put together, we can highly recommend getting […]