Zoe at work in a garden

Meet Zoe, the Very Green Gardener

Our interviews with cool people continue! 1. Hey, who are you and what do you do? I’m Zoe and I run The Very Green Gardener, which is a little gardening company in Pōneke. We maintain people’s gardens as well as support them to do their own gardens. (Editor note: Zoe also writes an excellent newsletter […]

a photo of Mindy from behind, walking along a road. She's wearing bright orange tights and pink shorts

A walk for transgender youth

This week’s profile takes us to the other side of the Remutaka Ranges for a very good cause.  1. Hello! Who the heck are youse and what are you up to? I’m Kylie, and collectively we’re the Parry/Hannen whānau. My 17-year-old daughter and I are walking across the Wairarapa into Wellington to raise money and […]

paper bottles of Mothers Ruined Gin on a beach

A ginterview with the mothers of Mothers Ruined

Full disclosure: I have worked with the Mothers on Boom Gin – a collaboration with my ethical clothing company, which is funding a scholarship to the weekend for fat babes that I run. Even if I hadn’t done that though, I would still think they are very cool and interesting people who make delicious products […]

Joel, a Pākeha man, stands outside the beehive and smiles

Meet Joel MacManus, the journalist that Wellington actually deserves

It’s been a very weird week in Wellington where we’re thinking actually Chris Bishop has done good for once with the District Plan? Very strange position to be in. Obviously, city councilors who want a city for the living and future have pushed for this for a very long time, but I don’t think it […]