very floofy dog

Best of the week: 2 June to 9 June 2024

Our weekly roundup of best things in Wellington continues and this week we’ve got contributions from Alan, Joanna, Martha and Tom. Best new place for dogs off leash We discovered that dogs are ok unleashed on the Remutaka Incline so we were able to take our fluffbeast biking with us (she’s got her own bike […]

Something wonderful at The Dowse

Emma from Emma Makes kindly visited and revisited  – Wunderrūma: New Zealand Jewellery  exhibition at The Dowse  for us. Each time I return to Wunderrūma: New Zealand Jewellery I find something new I want to own. It began at the opening with Emily Valentine’s Kingfisher Brooch (2013). “Is that a bird?” said the friend I was […]