Kristmas knack
There is only 40 days till christmas.
See did i scare you? i scared myself looking up that one, but it’s also why I’m a little relieved that Kristmas knack is on this Saturday November 16th. Because it gives a girl a chance to go shopping for christmas presents, but it’s still far away enough from christmas that i can justify a few little presents for myself. Also Knack offers the golden Craft Fair essentials of Coffee, Food, entertainment, eftpos and kids activities. I’m not a parent but any parent will tell you the best craft fairs are ones with kids activities because kid free time makes shopping fun as opposed to fast.
Knack operates as a school fundraiser and also a great place for both emerging and established makers to showcase their creations. Knack is such a delightful celebration of handmade even their poster is a one off original creation.
Personally I know I’ll be unable to resist picking up a little something from Things Unseen or restocking my cupboard with treats from Fix and Fog, but I’m also present hunting and Knack is usually where I find the answer to ‘what do I buy for (insert person who is impossible to buy for here)’
So why not spend Saturday getting a little local retail therapy get some of your Christmas shopping out-of-the-way at Knack, then sit back and enjoy December.
But if you don’t never fear, there are some other stress free events coming up that have that nice mix of shopping and fun in early december.