Craftwerk #4

Anyone would think I have some kind of vested interest in Craftwerk

Anyhow, last minute reminder.

Tonight, the Paramount, 5.30-8.30.

Craft, booze, music and big screen Atari.

Hot baby.


Only a week until Craftwerk hits the town.

Where: Paramount Theatre
When: Thursday 13th July, 5.30-8.30
What: Where to start? There will be a fabulous range of craft items created by oodles of clever people. From badges to crochet, from jewellery to a rather special range of children’s screenprinted shirts (bit of self promotion never hurt anyone eh?).

There will be music and Atari games, a fantastic mix tape swap, and all in a licensed venue.

Truly, does life get any sweeter?

Stitch and Bitch

Not far north of Wellington is the fabulous Hutt Valley. The jewel in the crown of Hutt City is Petone, and this is the very spot where stitchers and bitchers will be hooking up (craft joke) fortnightly. Any project is welcome, from peggy squares to pipecleaner models of the Eiffel Tower.

The meeting room at Petone Library has been booked for this Monday June 26, from 7.30pm. Unfortunately the venue is not available every Monday, so we’re still looking for the perfect spot.

If you’re keen please bowl on up. The entrance is from the Richmond St carpark. I’ll pop up some signage on the night. There is hot water, but no cups or teabags, so byo please. We do need to pay for the room hire, a gold coin donation is very welcome.

You don’t need to live anywhere near the venue to join us. We like people from everywhere. That includes you Wellington.

Questions? Contact me:

Wir darn darn darn auf der Autobahn

Crocheted bunny - photo by ellipseOkay, so that’s a lame song-lyric pun, but you try coming up with something wittier when you’ve just spent 48 hours chained up in fluffy handcuffs and you’re writing a post about a craft fair called “Craftwerk”. Since this is from the people who brought you BitchCraft, it’s not the usual raffia mafia and dodgy doilies: expect more along the lines of Cleavage Girls buttons, knitted posters for Disasteradio, self-published ‘zines and teddies with entrails. Yummy.

I could try rewriting the press release, but my brain is still busy recaffeinating, and besides, I have to get the candlewax and lipstick off my tux. So, here’s the press release in its entirety.

CraftWerk is a bi-monthly craft fair featuring the best and brightest of the Wellington craft scene. The inaugural CraftWerk launches at The Paramount Theatre on the 13th of July from 5.30pm.

CraftWerk will feature a diverse range of: art, handmade items, and indie designer fashion, representing New Zealand’s handmade revolution. What sets CraftWerk apart from any other fair is our intention to foster and inspire kiwi crafters without profiting at their expense. Simply think traditional fairs with a twist and you have CraftWerk.

The Paramount Theatre Wellington’s oldest Cinema and now its hottest events venue is where CraftWerk calls home. The Paramount’s lounge bar is stocked with a wide range of beers and wines as well as soft drinks, snacks and Kapiti ice-cream. This relaxing atmosphere, in the middle of Wellington’s hub of entertainment and nightlife, Courtenay Place, allows vendors and shoppers alike a break from the bustle and a chance to absorb the CraftWerk experience.