NZ Fringe Festival reviews x 3

Reviews for three neat shows in the Fringe Festival. Seeing the city: a tasting menu by Ania and Kim Upstill, at 17 Tory street, final showing 19 February 2016 We are greeted at the door by Ania Upstill and invited to wash our hands. She directs us on to Pippiajna Tui who shows us to […]

Review: Vladimir the Crow: Whispering Ghoul

A bare stage greets us at the Gryphon Theatre.  It seems bigger than usual with a soundscape that hints at vast desolate spaces where the only thing alive is the whistling wind. Then noise! Lights! And a tattered creature that stutters out from the wings as if glimpsed by lightning flashes. Vladimir the Crow is […]

It’s almost Arts Festival season!

Wellingtonians rejoice for it is almost ARTS FESTIVAL SEASON! From the beginning of February through March we’ll be able to enjoy work in development, new and experimental acts, and some of the best stuff from around the world. First one to start is the Fringe Festival.  As they say on the website “Our festival is open access […]

Semi-Permanent 2015

Semi-Permanent, the exclusive inclusive digital symposium returns to Wellington on November 17th.  The Embassy Theatre plays host to speakers from around the globe sharing their personal experiences, insights and expertise in the design, animation, advertising, graphic and illustration worlds. It’s great for students of design, fans of design and people who just want to expand […]

New Zealand Improv Festival 6-10 October 2015

Improv shows are always different depending on the energy of the performers, the prompts they are given, and the energy of the audience. Most of the ones I’ve seen in Wellington have been entertaining. Some are sublime and contain moments of pure theatrical genius. The kind where the whole audience holds its breathe then exhales […]

Music to brew your beer to

Wellington on a Plate is well known for its exquisite dining, incredible burgers and interesting events and this year San Fran are putting on a fantastic series. Music2Brew2 brings together three Wellington breweries who have been brewing under the influence. Inspired by three Wellington bands Panhead, Garage Project and Tuatara have all brewed a beer that […]

WOAP: Dining through the Decades

This is going to sound a bit silly, but I choose my Wellington on a Plate events looking for value for money.  The silly part, obviously, is that no one needs to drop over a hundred dollars a head on dinner, but if you’re looking to have a degustation and matched wines, you’re going to spend […]

Our advice for Wellington on a Plate 2015

Tomorrow begins that most magical time of the year. The stupid film festival has released my friends from its evil clutches and it’s time to eat, eat, eat. We’ve been covering Wellington on a Plate for a  long time now and I think we’re getting pretty good at knowing what’s what. So here’s our thoughts. […]

Ahi Kaa Festival

Celebrating Matariki with the best of Maori theatre and dance, the inaugural Ahi Kaa Festival officially opens tonight. In a city where some theatre practitioners think it’s okay to use blackface on stage because ‘it’s what the audience of the theatre form would have expected’ it is welcome. This festival will show off truly innovative work […]

Review: The two farting sisters

Dad is visiting China. He leaves older sister Stella in charge of the farm. This is a mistake as she promptly sells it, then scarpers off to Paris to spend the proceeds, leaving little sister Daisy the almost useless blackberry patch. However Daisy is very resourceful and hardworking. She is determined to buy the farm […]