Eat and eat and eat some more

At last those of us who are not sportingly inclined have a reason to visit the Cake Tin, and what a reason it is! The annual food show is upon us again, and I hope you’ve been training. There really are few things that match drinking large amounts of tiny little cups of wine and […]

Are you game?

Next month, there will be an unusual collaboration between urban gourmets and huntin’ shootin’ fishin’ types. The Fish & Game NZ Wild Game Bird Food Festival, which runs from the 8th to the 28th of May, encourages hunters to bring their prey into participating restuarants where their catch can be transformed into gourmet dishes. The […]

Your last supper

Let Wellingtonista point you towards the Last Supper Club’s bible-quoting yummy sounding menu that’s available at their website. Yesterday it was more elaborate, while the restaurant features a much more simple version. However, today, the real menu is online. We all live happily ever after. Here’s a hot tip for you – if you are […]

The Dockside Christmas Menu

This particular Wellingtonista was lucky enough to be invited to an associate’s Christmas lunch at the Dockside. It’d been a while since we’d been there, and last time it was a wintry evening & we huddled somewhere upstairs. Yesterday however, was as tropical as it comes & we were delighted to discover that our table […]

Hataitai: All your food are belong to us

Have you ever wanted to just eat your way around a suburb? No? Well, we here at Wellingtonista have, and we figured it would make sense to start with Hataitai. After all, who doesn’t love Hataitai? So here’s what you can get to eat:

More drinking in Wellington

Far and away our most popular post in the last wee while was Jo’s ‘Drinking Wellington on the Cheap‘ from last week. Discussion of watering holes around Wellington seems to be a popular topic, as Stephen of Dorking Labs‘ ‘Drinks After Work‘ has joined in with his own bar review, the first of what he […]

Drinking Wellington on the Cheap

There may be no such thing as a free lunch, but there are cheap and/or free things for you to do every single day in Wellington. Because Wellingtonista not only loves Wellington, but also YOU, we’ve compiled a bit of a list for what you can do every day. Monday: If you go to Chow, […]

Drink Me!

New York has the Manhattan, and Metropolis has the Metropolitan, but what is Wellington’s signature drink? In order to answer that question, we here at the Wellingtonista Towers have decided to launch the search for the perfect Wellingtonista. What’s in the drink, you ask? Well, that’s up to you. Yes, that’s right, it’s our very […]


Last night, unwinding from a hard week, we stopped by the new Cabaret outfit adjoining Chow on Tory Street to check out the entertainment. It’s a lovely space – the decor is wonderfully elegant: dark wooden tables, wood louvres, beautiful carpet and remarkable lightshades. There’s a warm red backdrop to the stage where I saw […]

Meat on Tory

We Wellingtonists are all vegan of course… bacon is a vegetable, right? But calling all carnivores! – there’s a new place in Tory street you’ll probably want to check out… STUFF : FOOD & WINE – STORY : Meat on Tory