You’re fly-erred

Plenty of Wellingtonians would have spat out their flat whites on Saturday morning when the Dom Post cover revealed that our old friend Terry Serepisos is going to host New Zealand’s version of The Apprentice. As I’m sure you’re all aware, the American version Donald Trump is famous for putting his name on all sorts of ridiculous things:

With his success in real estate and television, Trump has succeeded in marketing the Trump name on a large number of products. These products include Trump Financial (a mortgage firm), Trump Sales and Leasing (residential sales), Trump University (a business education company), Trump Restaurants (Located in Trump Tower and consisting of Trump Buffet, Trump Catering, Trump Ice Cream Parlor, and Trump Bar), GoTrump(an online travel website), Donald J. Trump Signature Collection (a line of menswear, men’s accessories, and watches), Donald Trump The Fragrance (2004), Trump Ice bottled water, Trump Magazine, Trump Golf, Trump Institute, Trump The Game (1989 Board Game), Trump Vodka, and Trump Steaks. In addition, Trump reportedly receives $1.5 million for each one hour presentation he does for the The Learning Annex.

So what this fly wants to know is what products do you see Terry putting his name on? And would you buy them?

Under the Southern Cross

A safe place to avoid all the ghouls and zombies this Saturday night will be the Film Archive cinema.

A brilliant silent feature film from the 1920s – Under the Southern Cross – is screening with live musical accompaniment by Warren Maxwell, Maaka McGregor and Himiona Grace.  

This "Maori folk drama" made by Universal Studios in 1929, features an epic love triangle, cave scenes shot on Waitomo and White Islands, a fiery volcano and ‘A Contest of Spears’. It’s also worth coming to see for the intertitles alone.  

"Neither tribal custom, danger nor the sacred ban of "tapu" could covercome the strength of his love" 

Limited seats available. Tickets: $10

Weight Watchers

Congratulations to Parallel Dance Ensemble (and their video making team) for taking out the top award at this year’s Handle the Jandal music video awards. Enjoy…


Other winners (click thru for video on YouTube):

Best Use of Exploitative Tactics to Promote A Band:
Judah Finnigan and Ben Forman for Highlife’s Berserk

Best Editing:
Joe Fish for James Duncan’s A Obvious

Best Cinematography:
Kimberley Brown for Electric Wire Hustle’s Perception

Best Concept:
Lisa Dunn for Parallel Dance Ensemble’s Weight Watchers

Best Animation:
Preston McNeill for Isaac Aesili’s With You In My Bed

Rising Star:
Greg Pawsey for Cougar Cougar Cougar’s Satan’s Blues

Handle the Jandal – DIY

Tonight at the Embassy theatre there will be an visual explosion of enthusiastic amateurs, with the annual Handle the Jandal DIY music video competition coming to the big screen for one night only. 

This Wellingtonista hand delivered one of the entries all the way from that heaving metropolis Auckland, so may possibly be a wee bit biased about who she thinks should kick some arse. 

Remember the controversy over the Hot Grits and the milk swilling babies (booze for baby?!?) last year?

Grab your Jaffas and head along tonight to celebrate the skanky and disruptive DIY spirit of our cultural sector on the big screen.

What: Handle the Jandal – DIY music videos

Where: The Embassy Theatre

Cost: $17 pre-sales $22 on the door

Details on the Radio Active website here.

Oh, Adelaide, Adelaide, I want you tonight

The first we heard of The Adelaide when it popped up on Adelaide Rd in 2006 was when Tom gave it the Mystery Bar treatment on WellUrban.

This week’s mystery bar used to be notorious for many reasons, and there would have been times when only the staunchest and/or dodgiest punters would have ventured inside. These days it seems a bit tamer, though it’s still not the sort of place that you’d take someone you were trying to impress. Unless they really, really liked cheap beer. Having said that, it was comfortable enough on a quiet Saturday afternoon, and there were no scary patrons in sight. Actually, there were almost no patrons at all, though the general is that it would get very busy at times, and I imagine it gets hard to move when there’s a rugby match on or a band playing.

… and he couldn’t have been more right!  Many a wasted night has been spent in its confines, and the subsequent wasted day was always well worth it.

Unfortunately The Adelaide shuts it’s doors this Saturday after more than three years of gigs and good times. So you’ve got one last week to come down and enjoy a band, bingo and beer. We’ll be capping it all off with a massive day of music for Halloween

Weds – The Final Spin for the original BINGO event in town

Thurs – Bad Statistics, Detrytus & guests

Fri – Sniper Alley ACDC tribute

Sat – Matinee show; Streetlight Requiem, The Proxies

Sat Evening; Fosset & Badger, Cougar Cougar Cougar, The Cold Shivers

Apparently there is nothing planned for the site at this stage, but apparently alsa "the vultures are circling" and we’re sure it won’t take long for someone to move in.

What’s the story, old sport?

While buzzing around Courtenay Place recently, I noticed that the Sports Café was closed for renovations. A sign said something like "Don’t worry" (and I didn’t) "we’ll be back with a new bar soon". My antennae perked up at that: could this prominent corner soon be home to something new, something shiny, something (not to put too fine a point on it) that’s not the Sports Café?

Then I spotted an email address on the sign, one that ended in "". That’s the website for the local Saints basketball team, so some sort of sports-related bar seemed likely. What’s more, the Saints are officially "The Century City Saints", since they are sponsored by Century City Developments. That company is owned by a certain Mr Serepisos, who also happens to have owned the first bar on this site: and what a many-splendoured thing Ecstasy Plus was, back when I was just a larva.

So, gentle readers, what do you know about this place? Will it be a basketball-themed bar? A return to the glitzarama of the early 90s? Or some unholy combination of the two?

Climate of Fair

I know, I know, super-bad pun but the folks here at Wellingtonista seem to have really really high pun thresholds….


Anyway, this Saturday being part of a long weekend there are a lot of events competing for your attention out there in Wellington.  We have Craft 2.0 Fair at the Dowse as Sue has already posted, I will be working the kids table and it would definitely be my pick for tomorrow.  However maybe some of you can’t make it to the Hutt or want a few more options in central Welly.


A reminder about Beans

A quick reminder about Beans, appearing on Sunday night at SFBH in Cuba St. (previous post here.)  Support is from fmr-Trinity Roots-man Riki Gooch’s Eru Dangerspiel outfit, and DJ Alphabethead!

Tickets are $25 and available from Slow Boat Records or Under The Radar… updates and more info from Galesburg.


Maranui meeting report from Eye of the Fish

Over at Eye of the Fish, Maximus has a good report of last night’s public meeting about what should be done about the Maranui surf club.


Money quote:


… all 4 scenarios went down like a cup of cold sick in a burnt out shed on a cold wind-swept beachfront. A member of the crowd put the feeling into words and started the ball that we should vote for a Fifth Scenario. An immediate show of hands confirmed overwhelming support for this proposal, which was, as another crowd member succinctly put it into words: “The 5th Scenario is that we just want Maranui rebuilt, so why are we debating all this other shit?”


The whole thing.

The Smartest Snapper

Voted by you the public as winner in the Smarten Your Snapper competition is Wave by Yana from Chromatophobic.

Yana wins a Snapper loaded with $100 and a free table at Craft2.0 this Saturday.

One of the great things about this cover is its see-through nature, especially useful with both red and green Snapper cards out in the wild.


Yana designed the cover and then using the Laser cutter at ponoko she whipped this nifty cover up using 0.3mm polypropylene – and you thought polypropylene was just for warm clothes!

Voting was extremly close so we awarded a prize to the runner-up Amy from Bad Animals and her Pirate Patch. Amy will receive a free table at Craft2.0 this saturday.

Pirate Patch on JacketPirate Patch on Bag