Have you ever considered flatting in Melbourne? Wondered what to look for in a flatmate? What are the red flags, green flags, rainbow flags to look for? Grab a tea and a blanket and cosy up for Nick Robertson’s Fringe Festival adventure, Everything That Happened at Number 68. As Nick shares with us, “Sharehouses come […]
Review by Nicole Winters Triple Double Trouble is a hilarious and engaging show, and truly made us care about the characters. With a rotating cast of doubles – today’s show is made up of Jonathan Mandeno & Thomas Bauer, Sarah Ashill & Tony Yuile – each night gives you something different. During our show, each […]
As someone who’s never read or seen a performance of Hamlet, I might seem like an unlikely reviewer for TheJoMarsh’s adaptation at Bats Theatre. However, if I, with my inexperience, can easily follow and enjoy ‘Hamlet – One Hour. Three Actors. Denmark Will Never Be the Same,’ then anyone can. In this high-tech, dystopian take […]
It’s a chilly winter day in Pōneke, but the joy from the audience surrounding me and my theatre-going companion could warm the most cynical of souls. We’re here to see Hine Te Rēhia, a gorgeous piece of theatre by Auckland-based Tutatara Collective, and the mood in the room is unbelievably high. Forgive my lack of […]
Presented by Tuatara Collective, HINE-TE-RĒHIA is a multilingual theatre experience coming to BATS Theatre in July. Devised, created and performed by an all-female BIPOC cast, this exciting show promises to leave you gasping in awe of their talent. I had the chance to interview Jason Te Mete (previous deviser/director), Tāwera Ormsby (co-Kaiwhakahaere of Tuatara Collective) […]
Reviewed by Talia Carlisle The talented team behind Femme Natale have worked their butts off to bring a magnificent sketch showcase of parents’ inner adult desires to BATS Theatre. After returning from Edinburgh Fringe with a new lease on parenthood, their new iteration of Femme Natale is refreshingly hilarious and important to share in a […]
This show was incredibly popular and got reviewed multiple times during the Improv Fest! Check out a variety of those reviews below. – Reviewed by Thalia Kehoe Rowden In an intense, moving 60-minute show, the cast of four take inspiration from real-life journal entries – unseen until the performance – and invent and explore the […]
Reviewed by Rebecca Stubbing. Friday the 13th was the perfect occasion for NO SLEEP, a joyfully chaotic improv show presented at this year’s New Zealand Improv Festival. The show began at 9:30pm on the wonderful Stage at BATS Theatre, and the slightly sleepy audience were immediately reassured by the performers not to worry, we were […]
Reviewed by Talia Carlisle. On a rain-splattered Wellington evening, I find myself refuge in BATS Theatre’s Studio space where paper “worries” are hung on string across the small stage. An eager smattering of audience members buzz in excitement, waiting for Ray Shipley to enter, fresh from a popular Christchurch season with a well-crafted set ready […]
A whiteboard greets us at the top of the stairs of BATS’ Dome Theatre. 10am – Dancing with Craig (R18). It reads. 1.45pm – Knitting with Craig (R18), then 8pm – Dave & Bryan Impov Thing. And that is what we’re here to see (though I am particularly taken by the concept of 12.45pm – Autopsy for Beginners.) We’re at […]