Those were the days…

From the newly relaunched NZ History website comes this wee gem from Today in History (actually, next week’s Monday, but I couldn’t wait to post it)…

Two Wellington lawyers, W.V. Brewer and H. Ross, drew pistols over a legal difference in Wellington. Brewer fired into the air but ‘received Mr. Ross’ ball in the groin’. He died several days later.



For those of you interested in neither the Sevens, nor local music… How about this? An opportunity to see the Touring Treaty exhibition TREATY 2 U, the Treaty of Waitangi touring exhibition which is travelling around New Zealand over the next few months will be in the Wellington region over Waitangi weekend. It will be […]

Left or right

Nothing more than a Wellington observation really but have you noticed how all the “good” shops are on the left-hand side of the road. “Good” being determined by those that have buckets of money to spend on the flashest shop fronts – nothing to do with the quality of service or products. And of course […]