March 28, 2007
Wellington Phoenix FC
Gah. If the stories we’re hearing tonight are true, then we are … underwhelmed.
Seriously, Black Star Wellington was the bomb.
And even Wellington City or Wellington FC were better options.
But … “Phoenix“?
Ah well.
Update. Well, it’s official, and, having slept on it, I suppose it’s something we can live with. At least it’s not the Wellington Bumblebees.
There are some more not-very-impressed comments on the Fox Sports Football Blog, under the title “Phoenix Schmoenix“.
I agree with Hadyn, ouch, that logo looks like its stuck in the 80s, or 70s. Why wouldn’t they have another public submission for that too? And correct me if i’m wrong, but it doesn’t look like Wellington FC owns a computer yet!
When you’re a Jet, you’re a da da da da
Da da da da
*clicks fingers*
Good Luck to Wellington Phoenix FC. I hope they pose a big new threat for the A-league and have better success than the Knights did. Jets fan.
Add it to the list Noizy.
EDIT: Oops, you already have.
Hell, I was desperate for a normal name like Wellington City, which is what I will probably stubbornly refer to them as anyway. (Much like the Onehunga-Penrose Warriors and the North Harbour Knights) Still, I don’t hate the logo, it’s inoffensive, and is somewhat traditional with the vertical stripes :\ and at least it doesn’t have the phallic symbol of the old Knights logo. That was awful, much like the Knights, who I supported through thick and/or thin.
I’ll still be a regular at Team Wellington matches though.
They’d get that from their own site stats wouldn’t they?
I suppose they might. So what they’re saying is: “Stuff had 13300 visitors referred by Google searches on his name.”
To me, it reads like the sum total of all people in the world googling his name is 13300.
from the Stuff article…
“Serepisos, whose name had been googled 13,300 times during the past week”
How do they know?
i quite like the name and definitely agree that the logo stinks. but the comment made above that why get his cousin to do it, his cousin runs a design agency.
Interesting, i am anxious to see how this club turns out… No doubt has captured my interest.. I am an AEK fan and I believe the owner is too… Lets see how far this team goes. Good luck Wellington Phoenix!
the logo and colours look good. It could be worse you could be called the “victory” or the “roar”. Adelaide United Fan
I think the Phoenix name is orginal .. I wasn’t a fan at first but its already grown on me. What are the majority of you lot talking about the logo is good ! I’m a Mariners fan then Sydney but I always cheer for the underdog and will be hoping Wellington do well. Get behind them its your last chance New Zealand .. Australia can’t carry a basket case anymore we haven’t got the money or time to waste.
people from the u.k laugh at our league, qld roar is the worst.. the name is bad but the logo makes me feel sick.. im a melbourne victory fan but the logo makes up for the name. same with newcastle, the wellington logo is ok but the name is embarresing
people from the u.k laugh at our league, qld roar is the worst.. the name is bad but the logo makes me feel sick.. im a melbourne victory fan but the logo makes up for the name. same with newcastle, the wellington logo is ok but the name is embarresing
Welcome to the A-league Wellington!
From Sydney.
Or it could get even worse and you could lose the grand final 6-0 and be sore losers!
Hahaha, insert “You know who ELSE had a logo like that?” joke here.
some good logo comparisons are now doing the rounds.

Admittedly, there’s probably only so many variations you can get when throwing a fierce looking bird thing behind a shield.
Who gives a crap what the name is… if they play well then I’ll go watch them… but to be fair Phoenix is reeeally bad, and as a Man U fan it pisses me off to see a yellow and black version of Citys logo. Oh well.
The logo and name isn’t the greatest but its not that bad. As long as NZ has a team that can play, its the most important thing.
i think you can add the fact that Terry Serepisos is greek and havent we seen yellow, black and greek somewhere else together. AEK Athens!!! black bird, yellow background. take a look at their official site and see.