Being part of the community

It’s all very good and well reading Wellingtonista every day, and thinking to yourself “hurrah, I am an active part of Wellington! I am hip and young and down with the kids” – but what have you done for the community lately? I’m not talking about giving to charity, or coaching a sports team, or […]

Hataitai: All your food are belong to us

Have you ever wanted to just eat your way around a suburb? No? Well, we here at Wellingtonista have, and we figured it would make sense to start with Hataitai. After all, who doesn’t love Hataitai? So here’s what you can get to eat:

Of Paramount Importance

While other members of the Wellingtonista debate trivial issues such as roading, the non car-owning amongst us think it’s time to address the more important things in life, such as the Paramount renovations. This isn’t a post to talk about the two new theatres (one with couches), or the glorious big balconey, oh no. It’s […]

Drinking Wellington on the Cheap

There may be no such thing as a free lunch, but there are cheap and/or free things for you to do every single day in Wellington. Because Wellingtonista not only loves Wellington, but also YOU, we’ve compiled a bit of a list for what you can do every day. Monday: If you go to Chow, […]

Drink Me!

New York has the Manhattan, and Metropolis has the Metropolitan, but what is Wellington’s signature drink? In order to answer that question, we here at the Wellingtonista Towers have decided to launch the search for the perfect Wellingtonista. What’s in the drink, you ask? Well, that’s up to you. Yes, that’s right, it’s our very […]

Newtown: home to more than medical treatments

Five Other Things to do in Newtown: A post had been planned about how you might like to take a tour around the fabulous architecture of Wellington Hospital, and suggesting that the best way to take such a tour is while lying zonked out on great drugs on a hospital bed, being pushed by a […]

Newtown: more than medical treatment

Five Other Things to do in Newtown:

A post had been planned about how you might like to take a tour around the fabulous architecture of Wellington Hospital, and suggesting that the best way to take such a tour is while lying zonked out on great drugs on a hospital bed, being pushed by a security guard, but as being sick is so last month, here are better things you should do in Newtown instead:

1. Go to the Zoo. You could even touch the red pandas if you’re particularly lucky.
2. Go eat a mountain of fries at Malo. $5.50 buys a very very large bowl of thick crisp chips and great garlic mayo. Make sure to share them or you won’t be able to walk afterwards. Wellingtonista has also had many happy Singaporean dinners at Chumeez, and adores the duck pancakes at Beijing Restaurant.
3. Buy Thai Red Bull from the Asian section of the small cramped New World. Mmmm syrupy. (Wellingtonista recommends it as a good base for Punch, particularly when mixed with soda, cranberry juice, vodka and blue curacao).
4. Check out some hot young talent before they end up on Shortland Street in a show at Toi Whakaari New Zealand Drama School.
5. Go celebrity spotting. According to the Wellington City Libraries, noted celebrities who live in Newtown include Emma Paki – and also Miss Natalie Biz of course.

What’s there to do in your suburb?

Places we like to eat at – Arashi Kushiyaki Bar

You know what’s great? Food on sticks. It’s a simple concept, but a goodie. If Wellingtonist was in Auckland, we’d happily spend all our time (well, not ALL, but a great deal) at Tanuki’s Cave, and it’s not just because of our love for huge badger testicles. However, as you may know, we don’t live […]

The Wellington Town Hall

Because the hip young team members go there for things like Nick Cave concerts, and the team members who are in the family way go there to see The Wiggles, we thought it was about time that Wellingtonist paid a small tribute to the lovely venue that is The Wellington Town Hall. Opened on December […]