Al “Pub Landlord” Murray

Buy, beg or steal a ticket as we have it on excellent notice that this guy (Al Murray) is the best comedian seen in many a year. A few of the Wellingtonistas are going … you should too. The Opera House: Thursday 30th June & Friday 1st July The low-down from the Ticketek site: All […]

Psst… wanna be a movie star?

48 Hours – Officially NZ’s largest film competition. Hundreds of teams of film-makers kick off tonight all around the country & finish on Sunday night. Damian Christie suggests “if you’re approached by a bedraggled film crew (the chances are high, there’s a couple of hundred teams around the country), be nice to them, do what […]

The Wiggles; and an introduction

Hello. I’m Alan. You may remember me from such blogs as half-pie. No? Oh. James has added me to the roster of contributors, for which I am very flattered. I’m still figuring out what I could possibly relate about this fine city of ours that could be relevant and timely. And indeed, I was going […]

The Weekend that Was

The powerboaters, women cyclists and dragonboaters must have been ruing the choice of Wellington as the choice of championship venues as a, er, ‘brisk’ northerly blew in from the Hutt and across the harbour over the weekend. The wind also caused havoc with the Saturday night Neil Diamond concert at the Stadium, where the poor […]

Newtown Festival

The never-ending summer stream of Wellington suburban carnivals and fairs continues on its merry way with the start of the ten day Newtown Festival tomorrow (Fri 4 Mar). The big day is Sunday’s Fair Day, when Riddiford Street will be closed to traffic, allowing a plethora of stalls, entertainers and general mayhem to hit the […]

Free Acheh Protest

The Indonesian Ambassador is giving a talk at the Wellington Law School today, giving everyone the chance to voice their disapproval of his government’s ongoing use of violence and torture in Acheh. Bloggreen points out that there’ll be a nice big banner to rally behind, but any other implements of protest (noise-makers, placards, that sort […]

Cuba Street Carnival

Hopefully Wellington’s glorious summer weather will hold on for another few days, and treat the city’s citizens to what promises to be a fantastic Cuba St Carnival, this Saturday (Sat 26 Feb). It’s the last Carnival before the south end of Cuba St will be irrevocably altered by the impending bypass, so there’s bound to […]

More Energetic Stuff!

I may as well keep with James’s sporting spirit for the day, and tell you about an event coming up this weekend that’s aimed at the fairer sex. The Special K Triathlon series is in Wellington this Sunday, but, unfortunately, there are no more spots available for competitors, and no waiting list (and I was […]

Paul Forrest Exhibition @ The Studio

A new exhibition by Wellington artist Paul Forrest has just got underway at the Studio (what used to be known as the Space), located at 146 Riddiford Street in Newtown. Paul’s new exhibition was launched last week, and will be showing until the 27th of February, during which time he’ll be hanging about the gallery, […]

Island Bay Trolley Races

The Island Bay Festival wraps up this weekend with one of the highlights being the Ribble Street Trolley Derby on Saturday afternoon. The Trolley WOF’s have already been sorted, so you’re too late if you want to join in the racing, but there’s plenty of danger and excitement to be had even just being a […]