Christmas in Cuba? Something smells fishy

Obviously, the most important calendar item of the year is coming up on December 3, when we hold The Annual Wellingtonista Awards for the fifth year in a row at Mighty Mighty, but we think you might need to warm up for the event. What better way than to have a drink on FishHead? Come […]

Christmas in Cuba? Something smells fishy

Obviously, the most important calendar item of the year is coming up on December 3, when we hold The Annual Wellingtonista Awards for the fifth year in a row at Mighty Mighty, but we think you might need to warm up for the event.

Smell what The Rock is cooking

Generally speaking, things called The Rock are awesome.

A source of an open bar

Last week I represented the Wellingtonista at the New Zealand Open Source Awards. The Masked Barfly had been whispering in my ear stories of organisational failure in an attempt to make me worried that I wouldn’t get anything to eat, but apart from a press release announcing “Annie McCarron” as the winner of the People’s […]

Wellington Love Letter

Take a life long prankster, mix in some free time, 3 guys who work in film, some mild homo eroticism, and just the right amount of sexiness, and what you get is the Wellington Love Letter.

Fabric Frenzy sets wild crafters into the wilds of newtown

Fabric Frenzy sets wild crafters into the wilds of newtown

If you are in Newtown this weekend watch out for fans of fabric and all things handmade, November fabric-a-brac is full – and raring to go.

From Paris to Pompeii – again

As part of Massey University’s ‘Blow’ Creative Arts Festival, Leimomi Oakes is once again presenting a  a free talk and fashion show From Pompeii to Paris: the Classical influence on Western fashion See history come to life with a talk exploring how ancient Greece and Rome have influenced fashions in the West.  The talk will […]

TAWA5 – a call for your nomination suggestions

Hello, good people of Wellington. It is time, once again for The Annual Wellingtonista Awards! Wahoo! This year we are referring to them as #TAWA5, for all your twittering needs. Once again, we would like your suggestions for what you would like nominated in the following categories, which you will be able to vote for […]

Somewhat mixed up

On Wednesday night, Mix & Mash was launched at the City Gallery, asking people to use data to make new things. Of course, our Tom has been doing that for years, but painfully by hand, I believe. That shouldn’t put you off entering, rather it should inspire you. In fact, you should go read the […]

Get rid of your old computer crap

You know all that stuff under your bed, in your wardrobe or in your bottom drawer? Yeah, that old laptop you were going to sell on Trade Me when you upgraded five years ago, and your crappy old cellphone you could never go back to since you bought your spiffy new smartphone. Well, you know […]