T4WA nominees: Best Place to Shake it

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

We’re fans of conversation, but sometimes we just want to shut the hell up and dance. These are the places that we go to dance our cares away.

T4WA nominees: Best Art Experience

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

For us, Art with a capital A isn’t just about looking at a picture in a frame and going, "Oh yes, nice use of colour there". It’s got to be something that you feel, that touches you metaphorically and perhaps literally, something you can totally immerse yourself in. These experiences were the epitome of that feeling this year…

T4WA nominees: Best Live Performance

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

If there’s someone up on a stage, they’d better deserve to be there. The total immersion that comes from being in a crowd all enjoying the same spectacle can be indescribable. These are the shows that stood out for us.

T4WA nominees: Best Apparel

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

We appreciate nudity as much as the next person, but we do generally prefer to be clothed in the fine apparel from these lovely shops…

T4WA nominees: Wellingtonian’s Contribution to the Internet

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

As a website, we know that we are not alone. There are many other fantastic people in Wellington doing fantastic things online, and they make our internet world a much better place with the things that they do.

T4WA nominees: Best Coffee

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

Wellington runs on coffee, but only a few places are truly award-worthy. When we get coffee, we want the option of having something to eat with it. We want a good selection of reading material while we wait. We want witty banter and/or eyecandy from the barista. And naturally, the coffee has to be excellent as well!

T4WA nominees: Late Night Hangout

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

For drinks after work, anywhere with a liquor licence will do But then there’s Drinks Late At Night (with capitals), which is a whole ‘nother thing. Late-night venues are where you go when you’re hoping for mischief and merriment, when you want to keep drinking to avoid the hangover, or if you’re just having too much fun to stop. If the staff at these venues could talk, what stories they could tell…

T4WA nominees: Best UnCheap Eats

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

In these harsh economic times…ah, who cares? It’s fun to splash out! And when you do decide to spend good money on food, you want it to be the best it can be. This group of fine dining establishments make eating a pleasure, instead of the awful chore it has become…

T4WA nominees: Best Cheap Eats

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

In this harsh economic climate, we’re still mighty hungry. We want to feed! And these are the places that will fill us up, without making us sell our kidneys in order to be able to afford the bill…

Elastic Solids

Tonight at Deluxe Cafe is an opening featuring new works from Paul Bradley.  Many of the works are painted on used coffee sacks stretched over recycled wooden window frames and there are also some prints from a new series of screen printed drawings.

So far I have only seen him in his incarnation as a VJ, so it will be interesting to see what he can do with a coffee sack.

What: Elastic Solids Art opening (details here)

Where & When: Deluxe Cafe, 8 Kent St from 6.30pm tonight