T4WA nominees: Best Non-Drinking Destination

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

Although we might not always celebrate them as much as we would a new bar or great restaurant, we know that there are times when you need to get out and do things that don’t revolve entirely around a drink. These are the places we like to head at those times.

T4WA nominees: Best Event

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

There are things that happen in Wellington that make us break out the big thick permanent markers to circle those dates on the calendar, and these are the pick of those events.

T4WA nominees: Best Shop

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

Ah consumerism, we worship at your temple and wish to subscribe to your newsletter. These are the places in town that we happily spend our hard-earned dollars in.

T4WA nominees: Best Suburban Destination

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

Sure, the city centre is hip and happening, but sometimes it’s fun to take a trip out to the suburbs – well, as long as you’re visiting one of these places anyway!

T4WA nominees: Best Regular Entertainment

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

We are creatures of habit, and we like our entertainment to happen regularly, be it weekly or only a couple of times a year. This is how we keep ourselves occupied.

T4WA nominees: Most Needed

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

Wellington is awesome, no doubt about it, but we still have ideas about what would make it even more awesomer. We use this category to gauge public opinion about what’s most important. 

T4WA nominees: Best Place to Shake it

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

We’re fans of conversation, but sometimes we just want to shut the hell up and dance. These are the places that we go to dance our cares away.

T4WA nominees: Best Art Experience

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

For us, Art with a capital A isn’t just about looking at a picture in a frame and going, "Oh yes, nice use of colour there". It’s got to be something that you feel, that touches you metaphorically and perhaps literally, something you can totally immerse yourself in. These experiences were the epitome of that feeling this year…

T4WA nominees: Best Live Performance

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

If there’s someone up on a stage, they’d better deserve to be there. The total immersion that comes from being in a crowd all enjoying the same spectacle can be indescribable. These are the shows that stood out for us.

T4WA nominees: Best Apparel

Voting in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards is open from December 1-15. Then come find out the results at our Awards Night at Mighty Mighty on December 17!

To vote, visit this page.

We appreciate nudity as much as the next person, but we do generally prefer to be clothed in the fine apparel from these lovely shops…