Have a Caeli – that’s Ball to you!

Cystic Fibrosis is a cause close to the hearts of some of the Wellingtonista, so we’re really happy to promote the Winter Caeli (Scottish Ball) at the Intercontinental on August 23.

This fundraising ball will be an event like nothing ever seen before in Wellington – find out how things are done the Scottish way and help raise money in style

Tickets are $90, and for that you get:

  • Welcome bubbles
  • Three course meal
  • Wine with dinner
  • Live music
  • Scottish dancing
  • Fundraising auction and raffle

For more information or to buy tickets, contact 0800 651122 or CFwinterball@gmail.com

Nothing fishy going on in this post

For those of us who like public transport but really could give less than a flying fish about a certain S word, here are some tidbits to round out your weekend:

snapped? (wha)

the snapper feederIt’s been a couple weeks since we last checked in on Snapper.

The Snapper rollout has continued apace, and some of us haven’t used our old ten-trips for two whole weeks! (Well, we were excited about this, anyway.)

More and more people are boarding buses armed with the cards; and more and more buses (and their drivers) are ready to take them.

And in the meantime we’ve learnt many things. (Read on for more.)

Dancehall Cinema

For those of you more inclined towards UK roots reggae culture than euro-beats, there’s a little something for you at the Film Archive this Thursday 7th.

The Archive, in collaboration with NiceUp – local reggae forum and dancehall specialists – present the premiere Australasian screening of Musically Mad, a doco that examines sound system culture and the UK roots reggae scene, interviewing some of the shining lights of the community, past and present, and providing an historical context for the Caribbean-influenced musical culture. The film is brand spanking new and Nice Up are keen to show it off to the local scene, so much so that they (and their sponsors) invite you to come down early, at 6pm, to the Archive – on the corner of Ghuznee and Taranaki Sts – for food, drink and socialising prior to the movie screening at 7pm. Read more here.

Tickets are on sale now from the NZ Film Archive for $8/$6 concession, as well as available on the night.

La Musique Automatique – avec une Tigre!

If you like your music multi-lingual then boy are you in for a treat or, indeed, un petit plaisir next week when Berlin-based duo Stereo Total hit town on Saturday 16th. I fell in love with the kooky electro-garage rock-à-billy popstars a few years ago when I discovered an album of theirs that sounded like the B52s mixed with Peaches with a couple of Sugarcubes stirred in. Their “homemade” ironic pop combines French chanson with German electronika, with a euro-linguistic twist, so that on one album you get a song that croons “j’aime l’amour à trois” then a few songs later the same track pops up declaring “I love love with the three of us”! You can listen to some of their new songs on their Myspace page and buy tickets for $30+bf at Slowboat (Cuba St) for next week’s gig at the San Fran Bathhouse.

AND they’re bringing JD Sampson, one-third of feminist nu-york-punk-icons Le Tigre with them, fresh from her MEN DJ/remix project and a visit to NZ for the Big Day Out ’08 with Peaches and Herm.


Drawing Parallels

On 6th August a group drawing show is opening at ROAR! Gallery.

The show features work from artist in residence Yelena Barbalich, as well as 75 other artists.

(full list after the jump)

Get out of our dreams, and into our bar

El Horno on Courtenay Place might suck the big kumara as far as a bar experience might go…

… but… (more after the jump)

Keep your sugar bowl full next month

Wellington zine artist makes home-made history

Don’t move house, be sure to feed hungry ghosts and keep your sugar bowl full next month. August is the month of the Ghost Festival (15 August) or ‘Chinese Halloween’ — the time when spirits of the dead visit the living.

Chinese families observe this date through Bai Shan, which involves lighting incense, burning joss papers and preparing a banquet to share with ancestors. Such customs have long been observed since the Chinese first arrived in New Zealand nearly a century and a half ago. They also feature in an upcoming exhibition by local artist Kerry Ann Lee — Home Made: Picturing Chinese Settlement in New Zealand, which opens on 31 July at Toi Pōneke Gallery.

Read more after the jump

Pecha Kucha Night Wellington #03

The third Wellington Pecha Kucha Night is upon us! It’s happening Wed 30 July at the City Gallery. Doors open at 7pm, the event starts at 8.20, and it’s $7 admission.

A Pecha Kucha night involves a number of presenters, usually from the design, architecture, photography, art and creative fields, who present a slideshow of 20 images and speak for 20 seconds per image.

After the jump, check out the stellar line-up of people who’ll be speaking on the night.

Civic pride

Wellington Civic TrustIt may not be Wellingtonista Awards season just yet, but here’s another chance to put in a plug for your favourite things in the Wellington built environment. The Wellington Civic Trust Awards are coming up, and the trust wants your nominations for the best recent contributions in the following fields:

  • Building
  • Heritage
  • Environmental
  • Public Space
  • Street Art

Nnominations close on the 18th of August, and nominated projects must have been completed since the previous awards in 2005. There’s also a separate voting form for best new sculpture, and if the sculpture that does it for you isn’t on that list, you could always nominate it in the Street Art category.

As well as nominating your favourites, feel free to comment here and share your rants and raves.