Talking ’bout the weather

Apparently all hell is breaking loose in the Hutt: rumours of heavy rain warnings abound, and messages are going around offices advising people living in Eastbourne to head home NOW. Certainly the radar shows some nasty stuff around, the result of the southerly making its way northwards, and the rainfall sensors and stream flows are starting to pick up. If anything dramatic starts to happen, do let us all know!

Rare treat for Wellington

I’m completely gobsmacked. Just got a little sneak live preview of the one and only CW Stoneking (Myspace) who plays the Mighty Mighty tonight.

I advise you to fight your way to the door. Wellington’s own Slim Chants will be kicking things off from 9pm and Palmy’s howing wolf man Boss Christ will take things into the night…… but this CW Stoneking.

I think I’m in love.

Wise old man says: Self Service China

(actually I’m not sure that he does, but that’s another story.)

The guy at the CHINA outlet in the Courtenay Central complex has twice claimed to me that his BBQ pork is the best in town.

The results after the jump!

Hivemind: laptop repair without extortion?

Consider, hypothetically, that one had dropped one’s laptop, breaking the backlight to the LCD screen but leaving the screen itself intact. Consider also that the authorised repair company for the laptop manufacturer (name omitted to protect the thieving monopolistic b*st*rds innocent) said that the whole screen has to be replaced at a cost of nearly $500, when it seems that it is theoretically quite possible to replace just the lamp, a component that is worth in the region of $20.

Now suppose, hypothetically of course, that the owner of said laptop is too stingy environmentally responsible to throw away a perfectly good LCD screen. Where in Wellington might that theoretical owner find a reliable, reasonably-priced independent laptop repairer?

snapped? (toru)

another snapper cardToday, reader DaveK let us know that Snapper cards have finally gone on sale at a couple of retailers in town, at least. They’re also available, along with the card readers that allow WinIE types to do refills at home, from the Snapper website.

Of course there’s been a few more teething troubles reported; difficult questions haven’t been answered; not all buses (or drivers for that matter) seem to be enabled for the new technology; and retailers still don’t seem all that fussed. Meanwhile, as Poneke has reported, the 10-trip tickets will be withdrawn from sale from August 29.

But while the whole thing seems very much a work in progress, we’re just glad they’ve started on the rollout to us, the public transport punters. It’s the Future™, you know.

So in the spirit of the week we’re in, we’ll offer some words of encouragement:

He ika kai ake i raro, he rāpaki ake i raro.

Pink Tagger Vests Wanted (crosspost)

Apparently there’s a dire shortage of pink Hi-Glo tagger vests in parts of the Eastern Suburbs, and a public appeal has been launched.

Stuff: The message is a reaction to Wellington City Council-funded pink vests that school-aged taggers are being made to wear as punishment when cleaning up their handiwork.

Read more on Drinks After Work

Let’s go shwopping

Want new threads but can’t afford them in these straitened times? Got some old clothes that you want to see go to a good home? Worried about the environmental obscenity of our throw-away fashion culture? Then The Big Shwop is for you.


The concept of “swishing“, clothes-swapping parties for eco-conscious fashionistas, has been around for a while. Our lovely lovely lovely friends at Pretty Pretty Pretty also had a “dud-swap” for cosmetic products at their big party. But The Big Shwop takes it to a more public level, with their first Shwop happening at the Southern Cross on Saturday August the 2nd. For more details on how it works, see their web site.

Afterblaster: Awesomeness in a ring

I’ve said it before and I’ll no doubt say it again, but there are few things as fun as going to the wrestling. Just check out the audio of the video below if you don’t believe me.

Yes, that’s the almighty Lazarus Volt kicking the Condor’s ass quite soundly, and he’ll be doing the same thing to the crotchety old Brute this Friday July 24 at Afterblaster and you should be there to see it. Details are on the Kiwi Pro Wrestling site, but what you need to know is that doors open at 7.30pm and tickets are $15 presales, or $20 on the door.

Furverts of the world unite!

Fur Patrol are a band with an agenda.

A hidden agenda.

Actually it’s not so hidden. They want to teach the world to sing, in furfect harmony…


I’m all punned out. So I’ll cut to the chase…

Fur Patrol are back! And they’re in pog form. And they also have a new album coming out.

Local Kid, due out in September, is their third full length album, and their first since Steve Wells left the band.

To celebrate their new single ‘Hidden Agenda’, our favourite boys and girl are touring NZ, most importantly playing Bar Bodega in Wellington on 22 August.

Be there or hate kittens.

If you’re not lucky enough to be in Wellington but wanna catch a gig, check out the other dates here.

And if you simply cannot wait that long, here is their last single, ‘Great Leap Forward’ after the jump.

The bloggers who drank Molesworth

It’s one thing to look for food in the government quarter, but what a politico barfly wants to know is “Where can I get a decent Champagne within crawling distance of Parliament?”. As DPF and Cactus Kate found out (standard Kiwiblog warning: comments contain copious amounts of poo), there is nothing worthwhile at the Back Bencher (Kate evidently shares my lack of excitement for Mumm).

Apart from Maria Pia’s and Le Canard (which presumably have fine selections, but don’t count as bars), there really is not much proper bubbly around in Thorndon. Following the Wellingtonista tradition of preferring useful information to vindictive invective, after the jump I have provided a list, in approximate order of distance from the Back Bencher, of Champagne selections at nearby bars and pubs.